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Sora Katra


The charismatic, shapeshifting daughter of Sora Kell
Sora Katra is one of the Daughters of Sora Kell. She is the one surely indispensable sister is Katra. She is the charismatic voice that unites the common people of Droaam, and the cunning schemer who outwits the warlords and keeps them in line. Maenya doesn’t have the subtlety and patience, Teraza is too unpredictable.   Sora Katra is a shapeshifter. She takes the form of beautiful women and is hardly ever seen in her true hag form. She is known to change forms mid-conversation.   One of the boogeyman tales told to children on Khorvaire is that Sora Katra comes to steal the fingerbones of children who lie.

Nation    Droaam   Affiliations Daughters of Sora Kell

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