Session 2 Report in Eberron | World Anvil

Session 2

General Summary

The PC's where able to complete their long rest. They continued there exploration of the mine.    Room 1- Open area where the miners would get there gear and take breaks. There are racks of hard hats and mining picks as well as a few tables with card and dice games on them.   Room 2- This room is very dark with only the faintest of light penetrating into this room. The smell of decay is definitely emanating from this room. You climb down the ladder and find an empty hearth and several bedrolls. In the bed rolls you find several decaying bodies of previous miners.   4 Miner bodies-   Room 3- Open room with several large shelves. This appears to be where they kept food and water. The food is moldy and rotten. The water is stale but drinkable.   Room 4- A very large open room with a pond that leads to a small stream, attaches to a larger river. Follow the river for approx 100 feet. You find the tunnel has collapsed.   Room 5-ceilingbony       The PC's end up fighting and killing a Drider. The PC's where able to get several Drider Scales off the corpse.   Descending down the ramp the hall opens to a small room. This appears to be where the creature was nesting. A number of large egg sacs, the size of basketballs lye about. Most of them appear to be ruptured with that black ooze leaking from them. The PC's Obtain 3 Tick Eggs  and destroy the rest.    On exiting the mine the PC's placed Tick Egg and the Murlocs destroyed it.   PC's return to Miner Bob who thanks them for clearing out the mine.   The PC's give Frick a Tick Egg and he devours it. Captain Shelby Vance is concerned that something is making the Tick and Tick Eggs. She wants you to speak with Professor Finkelstein. There is a figure in the back room you can make out a dark skinned dwarf with blonde hair and mean attitude. After speaking with Bryce Strider you find out that the Dwarf is Jemma Gleamsiler who works for the Talons of Tiamet, a cult who worship Tiamet. Bryce doesn't know why the Talons at Warden Keep but they are the ones in control in Warden Keep. Because of this there are several pirates interested in possibly leaving there services.   Act 2- Clean up on Isle 4    The PC's meet Professor Finkelstein- One wouldn't describe Professor Finklestien as a normal sentient creature of Eberron. This applies to his appearance and his behaviors. Almost all of his body is covered in leather garments. Any part of him that isn't covered appears withered and wilted. He more skulks, than walks, and when he does loose flakes of skin or feathers fall from him.   Professor Finkelstein is able to tell the PC's about Merdinite Dragonshard is found in the Mournland and that the corruption is spreading. He also tells the PC's about the Khyber Control Crystals in there necks. The control crystals where invented by him to help control the prisoners with jobs.   Finklestien Workshop- Is a hodgepodge of equipment, potions and books. Along one wall are 3 large vat like distillers that appear to be brewing a bright green liquid. Some of the liquid is leaking out of the vats and the smell hits you like a wall. The acrid smell burns your nasal cavities and assaults your lungs. In the center of the room sets a table with a collection of warforged parts on top it. They are lifeless and stationary.   A loud whistling noise can be heard, it is coming from one of the tanks on the wall. One of the valves explodes and the green fluid leaks out. WuWei puts his finger in the green goo and is mutated to have a 12 inch index finger.   Professor Finkelstein locks the PC"s into the lab and requests the fight off the Flesh Golem.   Once done the PC's are taken to there new accommodations, actual rooms. They are also provided a 100gp credit at Brogurt's emporium.

Rewards Granted

Green crystals- look like a dragonshard but not any color you have seen before. It has an acrid smell to it and is emitting a light that burns if you get too close to it.  A pewter pyramid engraved with fey faces, A small spyglass with blue-tinted lenses, 2-longswords, 3 pearls (100g), 800 cp, 8,000sp, 280gp   
  • Merdinite Dragonshard 
  • A pewter pyramid engraved with fey faces
  • A small spyglass with blue-tinted lenses
  • 2-longswords
  • 3 pearls (100g), 800 cp, 8,000sp, 280gp

Missions/Quests Completed

Report Date
07 Apr 2020