Session 24 Report in Eberron | World Anvil

Session 24

General Summary

We last left our group ontop of the Making Palace, after dealing with a number of Black Fleet pirates. They utilize a life raft the the pirates ship to cross over to the palace roof. Finding an elevator on the roof they descend down to the first level to find there prey. About half way down the elevator stops and the doors open. Standing before them is Miner Bob. Miner Bob questions what they are doing here and after some reminiscing he decides to join the group. On the ground level the group finds a hallway filled with black fleet pirates.    The group shows no mercy to the pirates lead by Captain Shelby Vance defeating her and her reinforcements. The group is about to be smashed by a Warbeast however it is blown to bits by the cannons of the Goblins of Breland airship. Arriving in just the Knick of time Kwalish and the Goblins bring along with them a the Murlocs lead by Blurgal, Frick and Bryce Strider from Frick's Encampment. There is even the blonde dwarf the group met at Warden Keep, Jemma Gleamsiler who reveals to the group that she is a mole in the Talons of Tiamet who is working to stop them. Jemma states she brought all of the groups friends to help defeat Gargauth.   Kwalish finished the Powered Armor suites and provided them to the group for there final battle. The battle starts with the Murlocs charging in with the group while the Goblins, Kwalish, Jemma, Bryce, Blurggal, and some remaining Murlocs utilize the cannons to keep the remaining DragonWing at bay.    The ensuing fight is as intense as it is long. Wuwei must wrestle with himself, literally, while Queelix and Ohazzar work to injure the giant Pit Fiend. Gargauth assaults them with fire walls, psychic attacks and even the defenses of the palace attack the group. Behind Gargauth is a portal that flashes to life, glowing a bright red which allows Gargauth to call forth 4 devils to help him destroy the group. All seems to be lost, till in the distance they hear "For I am the blister on your foot, I am the onion that makes you cry!!". Crashing threw the roof in a completely unceremonious manner is Laughing Chuck. Laughing Chuck yells "I'll deal with these!!" as he takes a chunk out of one of the devils. This is the break the group needs to defeat Gargauth.    When the devils see Gargauth falter and fall they turn and run back threw the portal from whence they came. As the las devil runs through the portal it starts to change colors. From the bright red to a white light, similar to the portal that lead to the Grater Temple. Stepping through the portal is Seer Imwe. He comes over to the injured Wuwei "You have done well my son, but the demon is not vanquished yet. We will need to bind him back into the shield, but this will require a sacrifice from you". Seer Imwe tells the group that a soul will need to be bound to Gargauth to prevent him from escaping again. Wuwei, in true pasta tradition accepts the burden. Saying the sacred words of...   "I am a United States Sailor. I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and I will obey the orders of those appointed over me. I represent the fighting spirit of the Navy and those who have gone before me to defend freedom and democracy around the world. I proudly serve my country's Navy combat team with Honor, Courage and Commitment. I am committed to excellence and the fair treatment of all."   And with speaking the words both Gargauth and Wuwei turn grey and fall to ash.
Report Date
26 Nov 2020