Session 3 Report in Eberron | World Anvil

Session 3

General Summary

Captain Shelby Vance requested that you find out what theMurlocs are guarding. Murloc Smurloc     Before any adventuring can begin one must loot the bodies. The group returns to the Drider body and pick scales off of it. Then after dissecting a sentient creature like it was cattle the group returns to the task at hand, getting pass the Murlocs.   After a few attempts at comunication the group starts to follow the Murlocs into the water,    The Murlocs escort the group threw both artificial and natural caverns before ending up at camp. There the group meets Blurgal, a chieftain of sorts who is able to put his goo on the group and be able to speak with them.    Blurgal tells you that something big has been eating the rocks and the Merdinite Ore and Merdinite Dragonshard  Blurgal also asks the group for help in destroying a nest where the ticks/spiders are Spider Queen Smider Fiend.

Rewards Granted

Drider Carapace

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

Report Date
28 Apr 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location