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Session 4: Sneaking... Report

General Summary

The session began on the evening of Vult 7. The Group contacted Malri to explain that they were going to be maintaining a relationship with Daask. Malri was appreciative of the Group’s efforts, but mentioned that she did not want to see, “Monsters running loose on the streets of Sharn.”   The Group next checked on the status of their Khybershard bug on Watch Sergeant Vilroy. The transcription of the bug revealed that Vilory had gone to a meeting with the head of the Boramar clan, Saidan Boramar. Vilroy reported that Coal had been murdered by Droaamites, suspected of being Daask. Saidan brought up his concerns over the growing revolutionary sentiments in the Cogs and his desire to start moving against Daask. Vilroy offered that Malri’s Group were good candidates to use as agents against Daask.   The Group agreed that contacting Hiro Pridwyth d’Orien was the next best step. On the morning of Vult 8 the Group departed for the House Orien enclave at Terminus. Turu Coa decided to play the negotiator. He used a series of pretenses to bluff his way into Hiro’s office and convince Hiro that Turu was an interested investor. Turu further convinced Hiro to leave his office and meet Turu at a Gold Dragon to discuss business. The rest of the Group met Turu and Hiro at the Gold Dragon.   There, Turu let Hiro talk himself into revealing that a green hag named Blova had contacted him about building a lightning rail extension from Breland to Graywall in Droaam. In exchange, Hiro had used his personal influence in House Orien to hire warforged for Daask and provide money and transportation to get the warforged to Khyber’s Gate and a town named Vathirond. Hiro said that the House was unaware of his deal with Daask. He also said that he could contact Blova at Daash’itak. The Group offered to make a sizeable investment in Hiro’s lightning rail. They decided to keep him open as a contact for future exploitation.   Next, the Group returned to Malri. They pitched the idea of making an investment in the lighting rail. Malri was initially skeptical, but eventually relented to Dax’s appeal and agreed to start gathering money.   The Group then went to Daash’itak to meet with Prashesh. After some small talk, Prashesh took the Group to an alcove to discuss business. Dax pitched the idea of using Vilroy as a source of intelligence rather than killing her, and Prashesh agreed with the plan. Dax began to ask about meeting higher-level people in the Daask organization, but she was interrupted. Gamarah (Prashesh’s boss) and her bodyguard, Brevva, entered the room. Gamarah said that she had heard a lot about the Group from Prashesh and she needed help. The expedition to the Undercity has been silent for days, and she fears that something awful has happened to Ingor (the expedition leader) and his people. She doesn’t have the resources to launch a rescue, so she wants to send the Group. In return, Daask would owe a huge debt to the Group. Gamarah floated the prospect of allowing the Group deeper into the organization’s operations in Sharn.   As the session ended, the Group was led to the site of the Undercity expedition.

Rewards Granted

Hiro Pridwyth d'Orien believes that the Group are investors who will contribute to the lightning rail in Droaam.

Character(s) interacted with

A narrative clock has begun, heading towards a gang war between Daask and Boramar. The clock stands at 1/4 full. Narrative decisions will push the clock towards or away from being filled.
Monstrous Ambitions
Level 1 Goblin Artificer
/ 10 HP
Report Date
02 Mar 2020

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