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Session 5: Bums in the Deep Report

General Summary

The Group begin the session by exploring the hallways closest to the entrance to the kech. The hallway to the south bears fresco of the three progenitor dragons, battling. At the end of the hallway was a room that was dedicated to the dragon Siberys. A great statue dominated the center of the room and a pedestal sat in front of it. On the pedestal was an inky, black orb. Writing on the pedestal, in ancient Dhakaani, said, "This shrine is to the one that died above. It bears a symbol of the void that swallows evil."    The Group then explored the hallway to the north. At the end of this hallway was a massive, Dhakaani skull made from stone. The skull blocked the hall. Writing around the skull said, "Only by the light of the Binding Flame and the entropy of the Eternal Void may one pass into Khyber." The Group surmised that the black orb was a piece of the puzzle to unlocking the skull. Shim collected the orb.   Next, the Group proceeded down the eastern hallway. They discovered a series of chambers where Daask and the warforged had obviously camped. The signs of battle were everywhere. Dead Daask lied on the ground amidst dozens of bodies of skeletons. The skeletons bore the armor and markings of warriors of the Dragonmarked Houses Cannith, Kundarak and Medani. The bodies were ancient and must have come from the time of the War of the Mark. Furthermore, the bodies were covered in vegetative growths and appeared to be animated by them. As the Group proceeded into the next series of rooms, they were attacked by spore pods. Shim and Cyril were infected and sickened; however, Cyril luckily had thought to bring antivenom for use against such poisons. Cyril cured himself and Shim was left ill. The Group then encountered an aberrant fungoid monster which tried to charm Shim. It failed, and Shim and Turu shot it to pieces. The Group were then set upon by waves of skeleton warriors and aberrant fungoids. The Group battled valiantly, but the enemies were too many and the Group were defeated.
Monstrous Ambitions
Level 1 Goblin Artificer
/ 10 HP
Report Date
31 Mar 2020

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