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Session 7: Daask Daask Revolution Report

General Summary

The sessions began with the Group preparing to leave Kech Malgaan with Ingor. Dax was reluctant to abandon the exploration of the kech, but the rest of the Group sensed that Ingor was impatient to leave. While searching the ruins of the Kech, Cyril stumbled across records that revealed that Tarkanan warriors had taken refuge there 1,500 years ago. The warriors called themselves the Will of Tarkanan, and they owed fealty to the Lady of Plagues. Cyril remembered stories of the Lady of Plagues describing her as having a terrifically powerful aberrant mark. She and Halas d'Tarkanan were largely responsible for the ruin of Sharn during the War of the Mark. Cyril also found that one member of the Will of Tarkanan, Havvash, had ventured into Khyber and found a cathedral to a dark power. Havvash was turned by this power and slew his fellow Tarkanans.    With the kech largely explored, the Group and Daask returned to Daash'itak. Before everyone entered the inn, a Warforged named Gauntlet approached the Group and told them that they would be welcome at the Red Hammer in Blackbones. The Group then met with Gamarah. Ingor revealed that he had discovered the records of the kech, but that he was unable to decipher the ancient Dhakaani script. He believed that the skull doors were the way towards the schema that Sora Teraza had spoken of. *Major retcon here!* Shim offered her assistance in translating the texts and found that they detailed a route through Khyber to a so-called cathedral of Sul Khatesh. Ingor was greatly excited and gloated that Sora Teraza was exactly correct in her predictions.   The route to the cathedral would be a dangerous one. The relative CR of Khyber encounters was expected to be 4 and the denizens of the cathedral could reach 5. The Group was eager to begin an expedition, but they felt that they needed more experience before attempting it. Luckily, Gamarah had other plans for them. Gamarah needed the Group to aid her and the green hag Blova, in beginning an insurgency in Sharn. Blova had been forging relationships with sympathetic entities in the city for months, and Gamarah had been organizing the hunt for the schema that Sora Teraza saw, and the Ogor mage, Cavallah, leader of Daask in Sharn, was responsible for creating a paramilitary force to attack Sharnian infrastructure.    The goal of the insurgency is to create instability in Breland. At the same time a powerful weapon will be found and used. The pieces of it are known as the Rod and the Orb. The Rod is likely located in the cathedral of Sul Khatesh. The Orb is somewhere in the Glwoing Chasm in the Mournland. All of this will secure the position of Droaam as a powerful nation. Furthermore, the status of Droaamites in Breland will be improved. The poor of Sharn will be helped by funneling the wealth of the Cogs first through them, and then to the powerful, noble and dragonmarked houses.    Blova then entered the conversation and asked for the Group's help in negotiating with two members of the Sharn Council. The first was a Mrorin named Nolan Tornanak. Councillor Toranak represents the Cogs and he is a great advocate for the poor. He would be receptive to anything that helped his constituents. Blova felt that Nolan's great hatred of the Warforged would also be a strong card to play, if Nolan wanted a personal favor. This did not sit well with the Group and they vowed to try and find a solution that did not involve harming any Warforged.    The second councilor was named Kilk. Kilk represents Tavick's Landing. Any pressure that the insurgency can place on travel and commerce in the city will greatly amplify their political power. Upon hearing the name Kilk, Dax recognized a cover identity for a Lam Jes. Dax also knew that the persona Kilk is a major persona in the organized crime syndicate called the Tyrants. The Tyrants are nearly all Lam Jes. Dax chose not to disclose this information. The Group were paid 500 galifars for their efforts in recovering Ingor.   The Group agreed to help the insurgency, now call the Voiceless Coup. They set up a meeting with Malri to appraise her of the situation. Dax attempted to deceive Malri as to the full extent of the Group's activities, but failed. Thinking quickly, Dax pivoted. She said that the reason for the deception was because they had made a large pile of money working with Daask, and they had not wanted to let Malri in on it. Malri confiscated the money and warned the Group not to pull this kind of stunt again. She also warned the Group that any violence on Daask's part would be worse than maintaining the status quo. Oppression is better than war.

Character(s) interacted with

The Group is welcome to the Red Hammer.
Monstrous Ambitions
Level 1 Goblin Artificer
/ 10 HP
Report Date
06 Apr 2020

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