Venrila Character in Eberron | World Anvil


Venrila (a.k.a. The Hidden Blade)

True Personality

Venrila is both her Changeling and half-elf name. It is the form that embodies most of her true self yet other personas are extremes of some of her traits, emotions, or even opposites of what she is.   Proffession: Assassin   Weakness: She holds grudges easily   Need: Needs to be more forgiving   Desire: Money to support her and her sister   Enemy: Dalvur   Rumor: Dalvur is after various relics from a bygone era. He's using them for something big   Secret: Her and her sister are changelings, but no one notices   Passion: She's a sucker for love and relationships   Mood: She's upset about her current situation and that of her sisters   Dream: She wishes for a time where her and her sister can be safe, both physically and financially. She also dreams of a partner.   History: Venrila was born in valiron to her single mother. Her mother was a roguish thief among the streets, but was able to afford an incredibly small apartment .At the age of 6 was when her changeling capabilities first manifested and her mother started teaching her skills. She gets her slyness and sarcasm from her. At the age of 10, things changed. Her mother got pregnant again and died in child birth giving forth her sister: Ariana. Venrila had to steal to survive, and along the way learned valuable skills that she started teaching her sister. They eventually moved out to starilaskur to avoid the authorities. There she was able to be even more successful and was able to afford an apartment, but then the Mourning happened. With the war and now the Mourning thousands fled towards the eastern cities like Starilaskur and so she was kicked out of her apartment with the housage crisis now widespread. They decided to move on and kept on the move for sometime for 2 years until they ran into a group of Hobgoblins. These Hobgoblins seemed different, but regardless, their leader Dalvur The Sword, saw an oppurtunity and took her sister hostage. They then offered her a job: An assassin hit...if successful then she will be released.   Bonds: Her sister is literally her world   Roleplaying: Venrila is sly, yet charismatic. She is sarcastic, but fun. Her words are melidous to the ear. She is always on edge either from being alert or energetic. She likes thumping her thumb on the hilt of her dagger. She likes using nicknames both to enemies and friends and occasionally she has a good one liner. If you ever get on her bad side, she will be cold like ice and do her wrong and she will never forget.   Moral Compass: Venrila's moral compass is liquid at best, but she holds a few core values. Such as never betray a friend, never forget a wrong done to you, the rich do not care for the rest so neither does she, it's do or Die and you must choose on the flip of a coin, Words and swords are like butter and bread, and only love is what truly matters above all else.  

Side persona's

Venrila has many different identities to use for her advantage against others.    

Persona 1

  Name: Evelyn Snow   Species: Human   Physical Description: Evelyn is a 70-year-old Lady that is 5'7". She is frail and is covered in wrinkles. Her face sits in a happy position and she has long curly white hair. Her build is slightly heavier than normal.   Job or Proffession: She knitts quilts for a living   Weakness: fratility and seemingly gullable   Need: none   Desire: She just wants someone to chat to   Enemy: None  

Persona 2

  Name: Joseph Cromwell   Species: Water Genasi   Physical Description: Joseph is a 25-year-old Male who is 6'1". He is athletic in build and vibrant blue hair from his watery nature. His eyes are also the same blue. His face is angular and smooth   Job or Proffession: Soldier   Weakness: invasisive of personal space   Need: to get boundries straight   Desire: Become an incredible swordsmen   Enemy: Scum and villiany  

Persona 3

  Name: Xalvador Mistsplitter   Species: Human   Physical Description: Xalvador is a 34 year-old male with a height at 5'7". He comes with black hair and black eyes. he always is walking around with a limp in his right leg and his face is somewhat bland.   Job or Proffession: peasant/criminal (depends on what Venrila needs the persona for)   Weakness: prone to listening in on conversation and is a little awkard about it   Need: keep his nose in his own buisness   Desire: lead a successful career   Enemy: none

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Venrila wears skin tight leather pants showing off her physical appearance. she wears a black long sleeve shirt made of cotton that has a hood attached to it. she also occasionally wears a black leather jacket to go with the outfit and always has a belt on with a few pouches and a dagger sheathed on it. She wears black heal boots(both fashionable and practical) where she hides a dagger in both just incase.



Sister (Vital)

Towards Ariana




Sister (Vital)

Towards Venrila



Venrila is a 19-year-old female Assassin. She has straight brown hair that goes right below her shoulders. She has a smooth beautiful face and is 4'9". She has incredible curves and is attractive to look at from the front and the back.

Character Location
Current Location
New Cyre
View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Trying to rescue her sister
Current Location
Date of Birth
12th of therendor, 979 KY
Ariana (Sister)
Current Residence
New Cyre
Soft Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
slight tan
164 lb
Aligned Organization