New Cyre Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil

New Cyre (Cyre = Kyree)

New Cyre Town Map
New Cyre is half town, half refugee camp. Struggling and yet thriving, this place is excellentto stage expedetions into The Mournland.

Important Locations

  1. Golden Dragon Inn, New Cyre
  2. New Cyre, House Orien Enclave
  3. New Cyre, Jorasco Enclave
  4. New Cyre, The Guarding Blossom Pawn Store
  5. New Cyre, The Eye of Newt
  6. New Cyre, Spellbound
  7. New Cyre, The Brass Skull
  8. New Cyre, The Faulty Dice
  9. New Cyre, Blue Steel


Species Demographic:

  Human: 70%   Dwarf: 7%   Elf: 5%   Half Elf: 5%   Warforged: 7%   Other: 6%  

Class Demographic

  Working Class: 60%   Magewright Class: 20%   Middle Class: 9.5%   Nobility & Clergy: .5%  


Prince Oargev ir'Wynarn acts as the mayor and representative of the town. As Queen Dannel's oldest surviving heir, by default he's also the informal leader of the Cyran refugees across Khorvaire, and he holds court here as a kind of king-in-exile. Representatives of all the dragonmarked houses are present at his court which act as his advisors as well.


New Cyre has a standing Military force of 170 or so soldiers. However, most of the town has either seen some war or is trained in basic hand to hand combat and can raise a militia of 1,100 people.

Industry & Trade

New Cyre has become the center of trade and industry within this part of Breland thanks to the roads that it is centered on.


New Cyre was established on well traveled roads in the region that helped it receive trade. the streets are a little filthy but the prince has recently made an effort to increase the infastructure.

Guilds and Factions

Dragonmarked houses

  All the Dragonmarked houses have representives here that act as advisors to prince Oargev ir'Wynarn. House Orien and Jorasco have enclaves established here as well.


On the Day of the Mourning, 20 olarune in 994 YK, the nation of Cyre was destroyed in the Mourning. While the majority of the Cyran people were killed, some who lived close to the western border managed to flee in time and escaped into Breland ahead of the dead-gray mist.


In the aftermath, taking pity upon the survivors, King Boranel of Breland welcomed them and let them form refugee camps within his kingdom's borders. However, many of the camps were disorganized and filthy, spreading disease and furthering suffering. But the refugees kept coming, realizing the camps were inadequate, Boranel gave permission for Prince Oargev, cyre's last prince and ambassador to Breland, to establish a town and granted them the land and the authority to govern themselves.

Points of interest

New Cyre is one of the last stops before entering The Mournland and is perfect for adventuring parties to gather gear.


Their is no Tourism here.


The architecture of New Cyre heavily reflects old cyran ways of life. With a focus on versatility, efficiency, and reflects the greatest parts of the old kingdom of Galifar. The buildings are made of stone from the mountains and simple yet sturdy wood from the nearby forests.


New Cyre stands within the northern shadow of the Seawall Mountains, at the junction of Orien trade roads from the city of starilaskur in the north and between the forts of Kennrun and Sterngate in the east and west, respectively. Though it lies in the heart of Breland's eastern farmlands, it's an empty and isolated expanse of grasslands that no one else wanted.


  • New Cyre Regional Map
    This map shows the region of New Cyre within a 30 mile radius to assist in visualizing the area around the town
  • Althalos's Warehouse
Founding Date
2 Therendor, 994 YK
Alternative Name(s)
The Brelish Camp
Inhabitant Demonym
New Cyran
Owning Organization
Characters in Location