The Mist Flu Condition in Eberron | World Anvil

The Mist Flu

Transmission & Vectors

Transmission of The Mist Flu only occurs within The Mournland after extended periods of time. The typical time it takes for it to begin affecting the individual is four months.


The Mist Flu is only contractable in the Mournland and none have escaped it's effects except for the Warforged.


Symptoms include the following: Fever, pale skin, sweating or shivering, blue/green lips, bloodshot eyes, occasional hearing of hallucinogenic screams, popped-out veins, and in extreme cases even vomiting of food and blood.


Leaving The Mournland immediately relieves symptoms and Recovery takes around a month of bedrest.


The Flu will progress through a total of four stages with the first stage occurring after being in The Mournland for 2 months, then the second at 4 months, then stage 3 at 5 months, and finally stage 4 at 5 & 1/2 months.


There are four stages of the Flu with the following effects:  
  • Stage One: The amount of hit Dice you can expend is reduced by One for every month you have had the flu.
  • Stage Two: You have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws against poison damage, the poison condition, and other diseases or illnesses.
  • Stage Three: Characters can no longer regain HP or expend Hit Dice during short rests.
  • Stage Four: Characters can no longer regain HP or Hit Dice from long rests.

Hosts & Carriers

Any and all humanoid, beast, aberration, or monstrosity of The Mournland is affected by this Disease at least to a certain extent. Even in some cases, the Flu is beneficial to the creature instead.


There is no known method of Prevention as of currently.


The Mist Flu only came into existence after the events of The Mourning