Aevalur Amastacia

  Aevalur - Aeva - is the daughter of a noted Aereni wizard, Margalev Amastacia. Margalev is working on finding the exact nature of the positive energy that preserves the Undying Court as no one has joined the Undying Court for more than a millennia and the secret is thought to be lost. She has insisted for years that devotion must be the main source of their undying life. Aeva, on the other hand, believes that it comes from the power of love. Elves once married for love and but changed social mores as they became more familiar with the customs of Khorvaire.   Aeva deeply wants to earn her mother’s respect but deep down she knows it may never come. The main way she can earn her mother’s respect are through scholarly pursuit, but her wild magic surges make scholarly pursuits quite difficult.   Aeva is a budding entropomancy, a practitioner of the Chaotic arts. Her stern upbringing under her mother's tutelage kept her from realizing the extent of her powers as Aeva long tried to dominate and ignore the chaos instead of using the forces of the universe to her advantage.


A'cid Reflux

Friend (Important)

Towards Aevalur Amastacia



Aevalur Amastacia

Friend (Important)

Towards A'cid Reflux



Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both studied under Margalev Amastacia for five years following the Mourning.

Rosa Thorne


Towards Aevalur Amastacia


Aevalur Amastacia


Towards Rosa Thorne



Sometimes you find an attraction, sometimes it finds you. Rosa romantic interests may not be many, but man or woman, human or elf, it matters not.   As Rosa and Aeva traveled together through Cyre and fought together side by side, Rosa began to notice more and more about Aeva. Whether it was the unsure smile of a nervous girl turning into a certain smirk of an elven woman, the glint of Aeva's golden hair underneath the Cyrean sun or the nimbleness of Aeva's hands brushing through those locks, no one will likely ever know. What is certain is that electricity arced through the air as Rosa leaned in and stole a kiss from Aeva, almost as surprised as Aeva was.



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