Rosa Thorne

Well connected with many of the underground goings on in Breland, Rosa has made a name for herself, and a brutal one at that. Those who know her know that she has background with both the ruling family and the Boromar clan, but no one knows which came first or how.   Rosa is actually a member of the House Tarkanan given her aberrant Dragonmark. Rosa possesses something her colleagues call the Mark of the Assassin, known only to others in house Tarkanan… and a few late, unfortunate others. Rosa’s knack to find exactly who she needed and ending them served her well as a Boromar plant in the Dark Lanterns and a Dark Lantern double agent in the Boromar clan. All the while, Rosa informed back to house Tarkanan - the house of Aberrant Dragonmarks - who took her in when she was just a girl on the streets of Sharn.   While incredibly skilled at Stealth and dispatching her enemies quickly, Rosa also possesses a brash temper and often finds herself at sword- or gunpoint in broad daylight just as often as she is sliding a dagger into someone's ribs under the cover of night.   A few years ago, Rosa tried to leave the employ of House Tarkanan, but the house has a way of making sure its members stay in the fold. Ott, Rosa's handler within House Tarkanan began by threatening her, but then realized that Rosa's brother, Nandon, presented an easier Target. Nandon, a street surgeon in Sharn was kidnapped by house Tarkanan after Rosa's absence (teleportation to Cyre), screwed up a deal for House Boromar. Since then, Ott has called Rosa to threaten pain, injury and death upon Nandon as a bargaining chip.    Occasionally, Rosa's interest align with Ott's, as he has charged her with doing away with his "colleague" Atherik DeCannith. Sometimes it seems as though the only path to escape her old life might lead right back into it.


Rosa Thorne


Towards Aevalur Amastacia


Aevalur Amastacia


Towards Rosa Thorne



Sometimes you find an attraction, sometimes it finds you. Rosa romantic interests may not be many, but man or woman, human or elf, it matters not.   As Rosa and Aeva traveled together through Cyre and fought together side by side, Rosa began to notice more and more about Aeva. Whether it was the unsure smile of a nervous girl turning into a certain smirk of an elven woman, the glint of Aeva's golden hair underneath the Cyrean sun or the nimbleness of Aeva's hands brushing through those locks, no one will likely ever know. What is certain is that electricity arced through the air as Rosa leaned in and stole a kiss from Aeva, almost as surprised as Aeva was.



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