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Middle Menthis

Middle Menthis boasts the most diverse population of any ward in Sharn . The Little Plains district is the destination for halfling immigrants from the Talenta Plains. Cassan Bridge has a significant population of orcs and half-orcs from the Shadow Marches. Immigrants from the Lhazaar Principalities have settled in the Warden Towers district, which is primarily a garrison for the Sharn Watch. The district of Smoky Towers had a significant Cyran community even before the Last War; now, this area has become a haven for Cyrans wealthy enough to escape the refugee camps of High Walls. One of the most prominent attractions In Smoky Towers is the Classic Theater. The place lives up to its name by staging only traditional works written before the start of the Last War. Although the Grand Stage in the University district also performs more recent works echoing the classical style, the Classic has a stated policy of not even considering new works.   The Everbright district might be of particular interest to adventurers. A wide assortment of magewrights ply their trade here, and the shops have a good selection of magic items (of common and uncommon rarity). The people of Middle Menthis are law-abiding folk; visitors looking for spellcasters to help with illegal activities or who want to sell stolen artifacts will likely have better luck in Lower Dura.
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