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Session 26: Dammit Feldspar

General Summary

Prior to the session starting several of the party members used the House Sivis messaging stones to communicate with people in Sharn and elsewhere.

The party regroups at the Golden Dragon Inn to compare notes and discuss next steps. They decide to visit Bloodstone now to do some shopping and see what they can learn.

Prior to leaving, Toox and Celosia Senho stop to flirt with twin human wizards who were eating voraciously at a nearby table. The reception was extremely cold. The attitudes suggested they may be in league with the Purists, but they let it lie for the moment.

Celosia also stops by to discuss future trading opportunities with Brenden and learns a little more about the relationship between the Dragonmarked Houses and Droaam. For years after the war the Droaamites were desperate to establish trade relations with other nations and Houses. They had some small successes, but not many. Then, around six months ago, The Great Crag started making it more difficult for outsiders to do buisness in Droaam, just as the houses were beginning to see the profit. Now Houses have to jump through endless bureaucratic loopholes in order to do buisness, and the competition is getting more challenging.

She also says hi to Tarryn Rowntree, who is still buried in paperwork with Brenden. Tarryn absently calls her 'honey', which had a bigger impact than he realized.

The trip to Bloodstone was successful. Many odds and ends were purchased, but of particular import was a troll running a weapon shop. After some haggling (and the acquisition of several magical daggers) the troll introduces the party to Ratchet, a streetwise goblin who shows them where to find The Broken Sword. Tark 's hefty tip buys him significant goodwill.

The Broken Sword sits at the end of an alley that doesn't offer any cover. Toox goes in while Ripper waits outside wildshaped into a stray cat, and Selphyria rides along in Toox's bag. Inside the inn Toox finds Feldspar Merrlin and Ninarin sitting in one corner, and a half orc and gnoll in the other. The bartender sells her an ale. Toox, not given much opportunity to make inroads, finishes her ale and leaves.

Celosia and Tark make there way back to The Kennels by passing through Little Graywall , a move that proves unwise as tensions are still extremely high and Celosia's human appearance is unwelcome. Toox and Ripper follow suit and get only a slightly warmer reception. Once at the bridge, Tark casts clairvoyance in an attempt to make sure Toox is okay. He sees the interior of the inn after Toox has left, but the spell is quickly dispelled by the gnoll.

Back at the inn the party discusses their next move. They dodge questions from Rossys Fernmouse, and Tark checks in with Sergeant Clint. Toox meets back up Dox and learns the message she was given- 'You owe Dox 50 gold'- was a message, not an attempt to collect a debt.

Geared up and rested, the party head back to Bloodstone to meet Feldspar and deal with this issue. Along the way another of Ratchet's people meets and escorts them back to the alley, saving them from getting lost in the neighborhood. The party enters the inn and Toox approaches Feldspar, delivering Dox's message. The party discovers Feldspar and Ninarin are illusions, and the actual pair are the half orc and gnoll, respectively. Feldspar introduces himself, somewhat, and explains the situation (for anyone interested in the whole story, see What Feldspar Did). The Purists and the smugglers are both looking to kill him, and Xor'chylic is not currently pleased with him. However, he is not responsible for the attack. So, he plans on turning the smugglers he stole the gear from on the Purists, let them kill each other off, and slip away in the fight. None of this works.

The Purists arrive, and Feldspar tries to turn them on the smugglers, who also arrive. It turns out both have already been communicating, and they're going to attack and kill Feldspar and company. Just as violence is about to ensue, Feldspar tells the smugglers the Purists were responsible for the attack in Little Graywall, which is enough to turn it into a 3-way brawl.

While the fight went overwhelmingly in the party's favor, two important items of note occurred.

First, Ripper has learned to raise fallen enemies to fight for him. This was deeply disturbing for several concerned.

Second, Toox was gravely injured after taking several arrows at close range. Her arm, which was otherwise uninjured, began to burn and briefly knocked her unconscious. Feldspar arrived in time to save her and offer a quick heal, which at first failed. When Toox came to she discovered an aberrant dragonmark had appeared on her arm- while she was in changeling form. Feldspar quickly covered the mark with a scarf and provided some cover.

As the fight ended a full score of the Znir Pact arrived, apparently waiting for the fight to play out. Tark had stabilized the two Purists leaders and had them manacled. Despite his orders to take them to House Deneith, the gnolls took custody and marched the prisoners directly to The Throne. The gnoll lieutenant gives sealed forms to Feldspar certifying he is not in debt to Xor'chylic, one to Celosia in recognition of their help, and one to Tark declaring the prisoners have been captured and taken to The Throne. The Znir gnolls then provide escort out of Bloodstone and back to the bridge, but not before Feldspar shamelessly loots a corpse in front of everyone.

During the escort to the bridge the gnoll reminds Feldspar that the Purists haven't been fully dealt with. The question of how they were able to get into Little Graywall unseen still looms large, but Feldspar seems to have figured out the answer...

Rewards Granted

Dagger of Warning
Dragontooth Dagger
Needle of Mending
Venom Dagger
Report Date
11 May 2021
Primary Location


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