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Session 32: Forces Gather

General Summary

Considering the tasks before them, the party separates into two groups.

Toox, Ice, and Hult go down into the city to see what they can learn. The loading dock is crowded and dangerous, but Hult manages to save a horse that was on it's way to becoming a field goal, earning him the affection of the people (and his party).

They find Nofhug Axeblade, owner of The Giant's Mug, a tavern just outside of the loading dock. After a brief moment of tension (he's a big fan of Dr. Twoorb), the party learns the loading dock has been incredibly busy as of late, with no one having the time to sit and enjoy a drink like usual. Nofhug comments on the crazy amount of "human food", such as turkey, being brought in in such large quantities. At first he suspected this may have been one of Sora Teraza's decrees, but he hasn't heard the usual confirmations. Overall, though, the bartender does not seem overly concerned. He has full faith in the Daughters.

After their drink, the trio make their way into the city proper. Ice picks up an opportunity to try some speed dating in Dark Arts & Melted Hearts on his way to The Arena where he gets information on joining local fights. While he doesn't get to enjoy either of these directly, he does get two very nice fliers.

They then wander over to Softtown in hopes of learning more about the sudden influx of turkey, but a brief visit convinces them this place is not worth investigating. They are still exploring when a member of the Quickling Network appears, confirms their location, and disappears. Shortly after, a harpy arrives with a platform to fly them back to the mountain. Their presence is requested by the Daughters.

While that group is exploring, Celosia Senho and Ripper have asked to protect Simon Twoorb. Simon is to have tea with the daughters shortly, and Celosia and Ripper will wait in an antechamber directly outside (Tarryn Rowntree is happily relaxing in his room). Begulk arrives to escort the three of them to the Daughters, and it is apparent his attitude and demeanor has changed. He is more friendly, more willing to talk and listen, and overall more interested in the party and their well-being. He asks if, after Simon and the Daughters finish tea, Celosia and Ripper would be willing to come see a project he's been working on and give their feedback. They agree.

Tea goes amazingly well for Simon, and he gushes on the way back to his room. He is anxious to start documenting the experience, and does not wish to be bothered. He (after finally managing to master the lifts) retreats to his room and does exactly that. Ripper and Celosia, after ensuring Simon's safety, join Begulk on a journey much deeper into the mountain. They finally arrive at a bewildering scene. Inside the mountain is an entire city block modeled closely on Lower Dura, complete with new buildings that have been artificially aged to look decrepit, stacks of thin mattresses crowding small living areas, and the everburning torches provide the only light. Begulk won't share what this is for, but he does introduce Alepoison, a duergar who helped put it together. He also introduces a trio of Medusas who were responsible for the finer bits of stonework. Ripper and Celosia learn the entire operation was done in a week and the workers are quite proud of it, as they should be. After a thorough investigation the party finds no sign of other entrances or exits beyond the trio of lifts and the service lift at the entrance, but they also find no sign of anything designed to hurt anyone. The area is also completely clean, free of the rats and stench Lower Dura is so known for.

When asked for their opinion, Celosia and Ripper fully acknowledge the quality and attention to detail. They do point out the area is missing a tavern, which Begulk and Alepoison move immediately to correct. The duo notices the signs for the lifts are written in common (a first), and lead to the hanger, cafeteria, meeting rooms, and 'exit'. Out of curiosity they head to the cafeteria. What they find here is exactly as advertised. There are long tables with benches on either side, with a buffet table in the front of the room. Like the "neighborhood", everything looks and feels new, though intentionally aged or damaged. When they try to ask one of the workers about getting some food, the worker looks panicked and soon the entire area is emptied of all save Ripper and Celosia.

After completing their tour and investigation, the duo return to their rooms. Once the others joined them the party is introduced to Order, a tiefling working for the Daughters. She explains the party will have dinner with the Daughters this evening, in the Droaam fashion. This is a show of respect. The party is told to dress in full battle gear, and Tarryn is advised to leave his House clothes in his room. Hult visits his lamp, and for the first time in a while sees a note from his patron. it demands 'three hairs from the historian'.

Dinner proves to be a remarkable experience. Simon attacks Sora Maenya with a rapier. He is not successful, nor did he plan to be, but the move makes the Daughter's laugh. An old custom, it seems, and Simon's knowledge of it impresses their hosts.

The food proves to be delicious, and the Daughters invite the party to ask any questions they desire. The Daughter were cagey at points- when asked about the "soft" food they told the party to ask again in a week- they were still honest. The party can expect to be in the Crag for around two weeks, Xor'chylic is a trusted confidant and partner, and while they can't guarantee our safety from the general hazards of the Crag, the party is still under their protection. They are given leave to visit the city as they'd like, and Celosia is even able to perform. They can also send messages outside the city using sending stones and the like. It is further insinuated that the party as a whole may yet prove to provide crucial assistance to the Crag.

The only slightly troubling moment came at the end, when Sora Teraza unexpectedly declared the party was not to leave the mountain that evening. It was the first thing she said all evening, and while the sisters looked slightly surprised by this, they nevertheless made it clear that it was not optional. After dinner, Hult asks Simon point blank for three of his hairs, and explains why. Simon is willing to oblige, but notes he is not likely to be who the patron is looking for. He enthusiastically offers his assistance, though he warns the others might be 'too sensitive' to involve.

Around 4am the party is suddenly woken up. They were told to get dressed in their most formal outfits (Tarryn finally gets to wear his House outfit) and report to the Hanger. The party complies, and sees the hanger bustling and full of activity. Full military units are in formations, and harpy units are warming up. The party is given a specific area close to the open area in the middle, but set apart from the Crag's inhabitants. The Daughters, flanked by Begulk, Order, Xor'Chylic, and Hurda stand front and center, clearly a receiving delegation.

On the horizon 4 airships become visible. As they draw close they begin an ostentatious display of fireworks and the like. The Crag holds it's own with an impressive display of power from the harpies. The ships eventually come to dock above the mountain's hanger. A platform is lowered between the ships as a staging area, and a ladder is lowered from their to the ground. However, the first to disembark do not use the ladder. They step into the open air and allow featherfall tokens to lower them safely. This turns out to be none other than the heads of the Dragonmarked Houses. Ulara d'Jorasco leads the delegation, introducing herself and the others. Sora Katra, not to be outdone, welcomes them warmly as though they were expected. She explains an area of the mountain has been made ready for their arrival, and that it had been specially designed for them. The heads of the houses seem slightly surprised- clearly they were expecting to surprise the Daughters, but they accept graciously. The Daughters offer to help with unloading the considerable amount of gear, but the offer is declined. The bags are apparently outfitted with featherfall tokens, as they make the decent and land softly. The party coming off the airships easily numbers over 50, possibly as high as 100. They are shown to the lifts, starting with the Dragonmark heads.

The party's reaction ranges from anger to amusement. Flashy displays of wealth and wasting resources are not going to be well received in Droaam, and it's clear the Daughters have set up the faux Lower Dura neighborhood as an insult to the delegation. They remain where they are as the disembarkment continues. They are happy (well... mostly happy) to see Hazel d'Orien, who is overjoyed to see them. She explains quickly she found the ridiculous arrival a bad idea, and she wasn't the only one among leadership who thought so. The party explains the accommodations and the dangers of the lift, both of which amuses Hazel to no end. She asks if she can meet with them privately later, and they agree. She also delivers a letter from Tarryn's family, which he is overjoyed to receive. Hult asks if there is a historian amongst the entourage, and Hazel says yes. A half elf named Endinwel Cromelon.

Once the majority of the people depart the party prepares to leave. A harpy offers to fly them to a separate opening so they can avoid the lifts, and the party agrees. Celosia and Tarryn teleport there, but the rest fly on a platform around the side of the mountain to an opening created for them. They are greeted there by Hra Dirtcast, a leader in the Z'nir Pact. She takes them through service corridors to their rooms. She also, at their request, gets them access to a seperate lift that will lead them to and from the ground level entrance to Crag.
Report Date
19 Aug 2021
Primary Location


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