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Session 33: Terry LOVES notes

General Summary

The party relaxes and recuperates after a long morning, Simon Twoorb hides in his room to write stuff down. Turns out he missed a string of meeting requests, most urgently from The Daughters of Sora Kell. The party frantically gets ready. Hra Dirtcast shows up to collect them, and they are pushed into a series of meetings. The highlights are as follows:

  • Daughters of Sora Kell Attended by Sora Katra, Sora Maenya, Sora Teraza, Xor'chylic, and Order, along with the entire party.
    The Daughters admit they were not ready for the Houses to arrive so quickly, and that they had ignored Sora Teraza's warning. As such, the Daughters reluctantly listen to the Seer and give the party their own Crag Rings. Sora Teraza then surprises everyone by showing them a vision. The vision is vague, not allowing any specifics to be recognized. What can be discerned is an explosion inside the mountain. It is clear some, if not all, the heads of the Great Houses are present, along with presumably all of the Daughters and other dignitaries. The Daughters ask the party to take any steps necessary to avert the disaster. They are allowed to use the rings to go wherever they need, though if discovered by Znir Pact guards they will still be considered trespassing and (presumably) attacked. Any guards that die in these fights was too weak to serve. The party will also be provided with a new meeting room and further administrative assistance, if desired.

  • Interlude The party returns to their rooms to find Alepoison and Edea preparing to provide the extra meeting room promised. The two work quickly, finishing in less than half an hour. A small alcove (read: cubicle) is provided with a fresh set of sending stones. Hult immediately uses the stones to ask for the admin help. Inkwell arrives shortly after, and offers to organize the rest of their day.
    Celosia Senho discovers the Crag Rings cause a type of "feedback" with their mind link rings. They seem to amplify the range of their mind link, but if not used carefully they cause her extreme mental strain. With focus, practice, and a bit of gentleness from the other party members the feedback appears to be temporary. Toox and Ice experiment with the Crag Rings actual usage, discovering they allow passage through stone to the next chamber. They cannot, however, change directions once they start moving. Toox also discovers the room directly above theirs contains a lot of lava.

  • Hazel d'Orien Attended by the party, minus Hult, and Hazel d'Orien herself.
    Hazel is thrilled to see the party, especially Ripper. She explains the situation in what has been coined "Little Dura", and offers her help in any way. She wants to be part of the adventure, and as long as nothing she does hurts House Orien she is willing to do whatever is needed. She also has a private chat with Celosia Senho about a future with her House.

  • Endinwel, part 1 Attended by Endinwel Cromelon and Hult.
    While the rest of the party meets with Hazel, Hult meets privately with Endinwel Cromelon. Their meeting is short. The historian is eager to catalogue the momentous events happening around him, and requests to be a part of anything the party feels comfortable with. Hult agrees, and requests 5 strands of his hair. There is a momentary flash of danger from Endinwel, almost prompting Hult to draw his weapon, but it passes in an instant. Endinwel treats the request like a joke, but Hult turns the tables. He tells Endinwel they can talk tomorrow, but for now they're finished. Endinwel is flummoxed, but the meeting ends before he can respond.

  • Don Jon Raskin Attended by the party and Don Jon Raskin
    Don Jon, it turns out, is an undercover agent for The Tyrants currently embedded as a low-level functionary for House Sivis. The party updates him on the possible attack, their theory that it is related to the Symbol, and the possible connection to the Purists. Don Jon is momentarily overwhelmed, but he recovers. He promises to look for any details he can find, and will report back. He also gives the party a bag of 800 gold as a thank you. The Tyrants are extremely pleased with their work.

  • Meeting with Dragonmarked Leadership Attended by Ulara d'Jorasco, Elvinor Elorrenthi d'Phiarlan, Elar d'Thuranni, Kwanti d'Orien, Mary Tallman, and the party.
    After forcing the party to come to their offices in Little Dura as a political manuver, the party is met by Mary Tallman at the lifts, and walked through the area. Most of the heads are various levels of upset at the arrangement, but have claimed specific sections of their own. They have ensconced themselves on the top floors of their respective buildings and are holding meetings and such there. The notable exception is Merrix d'Cannith who, in addition to being thrilled with Little Dura, has set up shop on the bottom floor of a building where he is conducting experiments.
    The meeting itself went as the party expected. While the Daughters were surprised at the speed of the House's arrival, the Houses were clearly surprised to find them prepared at all. Like the Daughters, the Houses request assistance and insight on the other side. Specifically, they inquire about the size and scope of The Great Crag, the Daughter's plans, tips on interacting with Droaam, and how they were able to discover the Houses were coming. The party sidesteps most of this, though they do explain the Daughters' prefer blunt honest communication. It becomes clear the Houses are looking establish free trade with the Daughters, though the party remains skeptical as to how that will be received. Troublingly, they obliquely remind the party Droaam was not recognized as part of the Treaty of Thronehold and that, on paper at least, Droaam is part of Breland.
    Kwanti also goes out of his way to personally thank Tarryn for his efforts. Ulara, the lead of the expedition, thanks the party for helping to avert war and their overall work to make the area safer.

  • Endinwel, part 2 Attended by the party and Endinwel
    Endinwel is again waiting for them when they return. He has the requested hair in a bag and offers it freely. The party, unconvinced, still arranges for Toox to steal some hair from the historian directly. Endinwel repeats his request: He wants to follow the party and record their doings for posterity. The party is still deeply suspicious, but allows him to remain for their final meeting of the day.
  • Meeting with Breland Officials Attended by Benne Rowich, Geoffrey Caskbow, Lindsey Redstream, Endinwel, and the party.
    The last meeting is with Benne Rowich, the envoy from the King of Breland. Like everyone else, she pushes the party for information and attempts to recruit the party to her side, this time with an appeal to partiotism. She is clearly old money and a practiced diplomat. She stresses two key points: she is authorized to speak on behalf of the King, and the Dragonmarked houses are acting of their own accord- that is, they are independent of Breland. The party listens politely, but it goes much the same as the other meetings.

  • Aftermath The meetings conclude, though there is a meet and greet in the evening. The party retires to their rooms. Celosia, in particular, is worn down. Tarryn takes her to her bed, where she has her first nightmare.

Rewards Granted

800 gold
Report Date
31 Aug 2021
Primary Location


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