Zilargo Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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Zilargo is a Gnomish nation in the South of Khorvaire . It is best known for its national newspaper, elemental binding, bards, Korranberg Library and diplomatic expertise. The kingdom of Galifar invaded Zilargo around 5YK and Zilargo swiftly surrendered. During the negotiations Zilargo managed to become an independent province within the kingdom. Toward the end of The Last War Zilargo became an official ally of Breland. Under the Treaty of Thronehold Zilargo managed to become an independent nation state once again, though it still retains close diplomatic ties to Breland.   Source


Zilargo is ruled by the Triumvirate a council made up of three representatives, each from one of the major cities of Korranberg, Trolanport and Zalanberg. Originally the Triumvirate was an oversight committee made to monitor the behavior of students and patrons of the Library of Korranberg. The powers and duties of this council eventually expanded to cover the entire nation. Each of the three cities has its own Council of Nine comprised of gnomes from wealthy families who are charged with dealing with local civic concerns. In theory the cities' representative to the Triumvirate is democratically selected from amongst the Council of Nine's members. In practice, the process is anything but democratic, as secret wars of words and blackmail determine power within each council. The Trust , a secret order that protects Zil society, reports directly to the Triumvirate. The Trust has a coordinator for each city who works with the Council of Nine. It is a state secret that the Triumvirate possesses an impressive vault of information concerning political, military and economic activities that rivals that of the Library of Korranberg, thanks to the work of the Trust.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Subsidiary Organizations


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