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Session 22: Anarchy in the Streets

General Summary

Aryth 5

Having breakfast at Pike Manor, the party hears a pounding on their door. A pamphlet has been nailed to their front door, announcing a public demonstration at the Town Hall this evening to protest the tax increases. Suspiciously, Detlev is missing at breakfast, and the remains of a wrecked makeshift printing press are found in his workshop.   The Cauldron Weekly paper announces that Lord Vhalantru has been named Lord Protector of the city, and that an anarchist plot threatens the government.   Along with the newspaper, a letter addressed to the House Rhiavadi Estate was mistakenly delivered to Pike Manor. Gwen transcribes the letter's contents, and discovers a love letter written by "Zarn" to the Lady Rhiavadi. The letter was sent from Thornwall Keep. Gwen sends Groundskeeper Norm to drop the letter off at the House Rhiavadi Estate across the street.  

Zenith's Fate

The party brings Zenith Splintershield's body to his family at the Splintershield forge. The dwarves agree to a swift funeral and burial in a secure stone coffin ("to prevent the curse of Bhal-Hamatugn from desecrating Zenith's body").   The party visits House Vhalantru Estate to claim their reward (a total of 1600 gold) for recovering Zenith Splintershield's body. Lord Vhalantru pays and dismisses them, being very busy with paperwork related to his new position as Lord Protector. He's dissapointed that Zenith is dead. In Vhalantru's office, Gwen spots a gold plated bong, indicating the Lord Protector partakes in Flayleaf.   The remainder of the morning and afternoon is spent by Gwen Frost and Ardillon investigating and researching. Faux earns some income gambling at various taverns.  

Zarn, the Blue Duke

"Zarn" is confirmed to be the name of the Blue Duke, commander of the Blue Fists mercenary company. Ardillion hangs around the warforged patrols and learns that Zarn was a high ranking officer during the Last War, stationed in Cyre on the Day of Mourning. For the last four years, he was presumed dead, until he emerged from the dread mists, with a message for all fellow warforged: join the Blue Fists, earn gold in Q'barra, and eventually return to the Mournland to carve out a new home for Warforged. (Most of the negative effects of the Mourning mists don't affect Warforged)  

Aberrant Dragonmarks

Researching aberrant dragonmarks at Bluecrater Academy, Gwen learns about Fey'ator Abradius. He was an elven Silver Flame cleric in Cauldron who treated patients suffering from paranoia, bearing an invisible aberrant dragonmark exactly the same as the one Zenith bore. Any magical properties of the mark were never confirmed, although Fey'ator noted that patients were unusually perceptive. Fey'ator chronicled the mark's appearance on a handful of patients every decade, from the years 681 YK to 966 YK. In 967 YK, Fey'ator left Cauldron and never returned.  


Gwen takes Owyn and visits the Lantern Street Orphanage. She observes that Terrem Kharatys bears the invisible aberrant dragonmark on his right cheek, just beneath his eye. Gwen asks Jenya Urikas to do what she can to protect Terrem.  

Aryth 5th, Evening

As the sun sets, a crowd of hundreds gathers at Town Hall, Cauldron. A merchant, Maavu Arlintal (owner of a grocery import business) gives a speech, protesting the Lord Mayor's taxes, unjust treatment of back-taxes, and the unnecessary hiring of warforged mercenaries.   A sergeant of the city guard (accompanied by two Blue Fists) moves to arrest Maavu. As he does, a teenage boy in the crowd draws a dagger. The party tries to stop him, but the boy slips through after a turn, and attacks a warforged, shouting "Let's kill these metal bastards". His voice is drowned out by the roar of a hundred other protestors, erupting into a full fledged riot.   The party tries to de-escalate the situation, but the mob quickly spirals out of control. Maavu is shot with a dragonshard gun from the Town Hall's watch tower. Gwen heals Maavu, and escorts him to safety. As they flee, Maavu expresses concern that "evil is at work within Cauldron's government". If Gwen and her friends want to help expose and defeat it, they should meet him at the Redhead Miner's Inn in Redgorge as soon as possible. (Redgorge is about 2 days walk from Cauldron, south).   Meanwhile, in front of Town Hall, Ardillon draws attention to himself (disguised as an old man), taking Maavu's place on a makeshift platform, speaking against the Lord Mayor, declaring himself "Grandfather Anarchy", and rallying an attack on the Town Hall. The mob surges forward, quickly overwhelming a handful of guards. Faux and Ardillon enter the building through a broken window, and find about a dozen guards arming themselves. Ardillon uses a bead from the Necklace of Fireballs and reduces the city guards to ash. Unbarring the door, the building is claimed by the rioters. Grandfather Anarchy instructs them to arm themselves and fortify the position. He then retreats to a nearby roof to watch as a platoon of guards arrive from the nearby barracks, led by Lord Mayor Severen ir'Navalant himself.   The Lord Mayor declares that the people's voices have been heard, entreats them to go home, pardons any participants in the riot, and promises that the coming winter will be tax-free. Grandfather Anarchy dramatically promises to return, and then retreats with Faux back to Pike Manor.

Rewards Granted

+400 XP
Eberron Campaign
Detlev d'Cannith
Gwen Frost
Report Date
03 Jul 2024
Primary Location