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Kingdom of Cyre

Cyre was a human kingdom in the southeast of the continent of Khorvaire, and formerly one of the Five Nations of the kingdom of Galifar. Once, it was described as the brightest and most beautiful of the Five Nations and called Beautiful Cyre, Wondrous Cyre, the Jewel of Galifar, and even the Purple Jewel of Galifar's Crown. But it suffered and was dragged low during the Last War, before the entire realm was destroyed by a cataclysmic event known as the Mourning. Now, it is known as the Mournland. At its height, Cyre once included parts of what are now Valenar and Darguun. It is the homeland of the displaced Cyran peoples.   Before the War, Cyre was renowned for its cultural achievements in artifice, artistry, jewelry, music, philosophy, and oratory, and for representing the best of Galifar. It was a peaceful realm, even a paradise to many in the Kingdom of Galifar, described as a place where arcane dreams were made manifest. However, its detractors decried it as a realm of arrogance and decadence. Either way, it was considered the most beautiful and artistically developed of any of the Five Nations, known for its artistic traditions, elegance, and style and as a monument to the magical and artistic accomplishments of the Kingdom of Galifar. It had great centers of learning and state-of-the-art development in the fields of magic, artifice, and architecture.   Under Galifar's system of succession, Cyre was ruled by one of the children of the current king. Over the centuries, a tradition formed that the governor-prince of Cyre was the child that would become the next king or queen of Galifar.   After being governor-prince of the state of Cyre in 858 YK, Mishann ir'Wynarn declared herself Queen at the outbreak of the Last War in 894 YK, but maintained her claim to Galifar. She reigned until 908 YK.   She was succeeded by Brusst ir'Wynarn, who reigned from 908 YK to 913 YK.   Brusst was succeeded by Connos ir'Wynarn, who reigned from 914 YK to 942 YK.   Connos was succeeded by Queen Dannel ir'Wynarn, who reigned from 943 YK. She was the last ruler of Cyre and was slain in the Mourning in 994 YK.     A portrait of Prince Oargev ir'Wynarn, the last scion of Cyre.   The only surviving scion of Cyre's monarchy is her son, Prince Oargev ir'Wynarn, who was ambassador to Breland at the time of the Mourning. By default, he is now the king-in-exile, though the kingdom is no more, and governs the survivors at New Cyre. Other, lower-ranked members of the royal family may also survive.   The monarchs of Cyre traditionally wore the Cyran regalia. They reigned from the royal palaces of Vermishard in the capital city of Metrol.   The heraldic symbol of Cyre was a crown and a bell above a hammer and bellows, on a field of green.   Not many Cyran nobles survived the Mourning, and with little wealth, resources, influence, or power left, their status is in question. Those in the remaining embassies work to justify themselves to their hosts. But some of the more prideful don't want to live on charity or memories; instead, they plot to seize land for a New Cyre, and seek a means to do so, however reckless.


Cyran culture values diversity, flexibility, and versatility in all areas of life, from skills to mindsets. Cyrans consider themselves to incorporate elements of culture from all over Khorvaire. The Cyrans prefer to enjoy life and the fruits of their work, and even after the obliteration of their nation, Cyrans avoid melancholy and hold to a forward-thinking and unique culture.   The "Cyran appreciation" is central to Cyran culture and outlook. This is a philosophy, even a lifestyle, centered around appreciating beauty and magic and encouraging innovative and unconventional practices, not just in art but in life as a whole. Once, this was a virtue, impressive and wondrous to all the Five Nations, but during the War propaganda and nasty rumor painted it as indulgence and excess. In turn, under the darkness of war, some Cyran nobles engaged in darker pursuits, leading to the reputation for decadence, even immorality, and vile habits. After the War, the survivors struggle to keep up the Cyran appreciation, and it leads to misunderstandings among their host nations.   The Cyrans have a tradition of artisanry that dates back centuries. Thanks to this, Cyre had a reputation for fine arts and crafts and for quality manufactured items. Rich folk across the Five Nations pride themselves in owning pieces by Cyran master artists. Cyre employed many bards and minor wizards, and the dragonmarked houses, to construct a wondrous realm exhibiting light and grace. Cyran wizards are known for their illusions. Cyran magic ranges from the practical to the extravagant.   Cyre was the cultural center of the Five Nations. being the perennial birthplace of new trends and styles that spread across the continent, in the fields of art, music, fashion, and more, though after the Mourning their art has understandably become somewhat darker. The Cyrans love to change, experiment, and advance their art, pushing boundaries and shocking others with how far they'll go to do it. Just about every Cyran knows a form of artistic expression: drawing, painting, singing, sculpting, or magic—it does not matter which. But, in particular, every Cyran knows how to dance the tago, learning it when young and becoming adept at it in social occasions over the course of their lives. It is considered the birthright of every Cyran.   Traditional Cyran fashion is similar to Aundairian fashion, but focuses more on the bright colors and less on flamboyance in hats and ruffles. Glamerweave is especially favored. It varies widely in cut and style, yet often features long flowing parts, typically wide sleeves and short cloaks; Cyrans enjoy attire that billows and ripples with the slightest breeze. However, the most common and obvious attire is gloves. Almost every Cyran owns and wears a pair of gloves, whether short and sturdy for work and combat or longer, finely made and decorated for formal occasions. Cyrans rarely revealed their hands; a handshake from an ungloved Cyran hand is a show of great trust. However, Cyrans also enjoy jewelry to a degree many think is vulgar; they acquire whatever pieces they can afford, preferably loose dangling bracelets, earrings, and necklaces, and especially with small bells or colorful feathers. The grandest items are the complex headdresses that extend from the brow and across the head and down to the shoulders and even far down the back. In fact, Cyrans are so well dressed that formal occasions are not discernible by clothing but by greater use of jewelry, as well as masks. Costumes were the rule at balls and festivals. After the War, while some Cyrans hold rebelliously to their old fashions, others adopt the attire of their new homes to make do or blend in. Nevertheless, their fashions are chic and daring still. The latest, common among the young, is "mourningwear" or "Mourning wear", which is dark or black but flamboyant in the standard Cyran cut and intended to remember a country they barely knew.   However, the Last War saw the once beautiful Cyre become a battlefield as it faced enemies on all sides. Its people and culture suffered and many of its great works were lost, even before the Mourning destroyed them utterly. As it shrank, its outer settlements were often left razed while the cities were populated with refugees and poor and homeless folk, their beauty fading. Arguably, Cyre suffered the greatest of all the Five Nations.   Like most of Khorvaire, worship of the Sovereign Host was the majority religion in Cyre, although a significant minority followed the Silver Flame. However, the Cyrans were not especially religious and only infrequent worshipers of the Host. After the Mourning, many struggle with their faith or abandon it entirely, or hold even more closely to it through their ordeals, and others turn to dark alternatives. The Cyran priests of the Sovereign Host faith have since largely been absorbed into the hierarchies of their new nations, but some have started independent, even unorthodox, sects of their own, with some even turning away from the gods to certain radiant idols. Cyran refugees make up a sizeable portion of the Ashbound and the Children of Winter and the most maddened have even joined Cults of the Dragon Below such as the Mourning Circle and that of the mind flayer Chyrassk in Sharn.   A common Cyran expression of hope, grief, and the desire to reclaim what was lost.   Every Cyran remembers where they were on the Day of Mourning and how they survived; it is etched into their memory. And every Cyran knows what caused it; this is more than a theory, it is a certain belief, even if every Cyran has a different explanation for it. Each year on 20 Olarune, Cyrans everywhere come together to remember their lost homeland, by telling tales of the fallen, teaching their history to their children, and performing traditional songs and dances of Cyre, though a few recall only the Last War and curse the remaining four nations.   Alone and isolated, the majority look after themselves and their closest friends and families and try to cling onto their culture and appreciation. Some endeavor to preserve Cyran culture and speak of its wonders, and they seek a new homeland for their people. However, many still harbor grudges, even burning hatred, against all the other Five Nations over the Last War and their treatment following the Day of Mourning. The most extreme and vindictive become Cyran avengers, who seek to get to the truth of the Mourning and get justice or revenge for Cyre, and to protect those who survived, with or without evidence. A secret society known as the Covenant of the Gray Mist and others work to investigate the Mourning and cleanse the Mournland. Others fight for the future, protecting Cyrans and trying to claim a new homeland, such as the group called Dannel's Wrath in Stormreach. Some are simply terrorists, such as the Mourning Dawn.

What our dreams imagine, our minds create.

Dissolution Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute

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