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Kingdom of Karrnath (car-nath)

Karrnath is a nation of Khorvaire. It was founded by Karrn the Conqueror over two thousand years ago, and is known as "the birthplace of kings". It is proud of its martial heritage and being the oldest of the Five Nations. The nation is particularly noted for its widespread use of undead soldiers during the Last War and the ruthless dictatorship of its monarch.   Lying in the northeast of Khorvaire, the nation of Karrnath stretches from Scions Sound in the west to the Ironroot Mountains in the east, and from Karrn Bay in the north to its tenuous border with the Talenta Plains to the south. It is a nation of equal parts open fields and dense forests with House Orien trade roads and lightning rail tracks providing ample travel options.   Karrnath is a hereditary monarchy currently ruled by King Kaius ir'Wynarn III. Kaius has an extensive family that holds many positions of government, including his aunt Moranna ir'Wynarn, the former regent and currently chief advisor to the crown and minister of foreign affairs; and his uncle-in-law Erasmus ir'Clarn, Minister of the Dead. Many of Karrnath's nobility also hold positions of power as warlords in Karrnath's government, with authority to raise armies and oversee their titled lands.


King: Kaius Tenebris ir'Wynarn III   Prime Minister: Moranna Tenebris ir'Wynarn   Minister of the Dead: Erasmus ir'Clarn   Civic Minister: Eadric Tenebris ir'Wynarn   Minister of War: Clovis ir'Braggan   General of the White Lions: Yorin Thauram


Pre-Galifar Karrnath was one of the first human nations established on Khorvaire, founded by Karrn the Conqueror 2000 years ago. Karrn attempted to unite the Five Nations of Khorvaire by conquest, but while he was able to take over Cyre, the other three nations allied against Karrn and stopped his conquests.   Over 900 years later, in −45 YK, Galifar ir'Wynarn was born to a Karrn warlord. During Galifar's youth, Karrnath clashed with the other Five Nations in a decade-long conflict known as the Border Wars. When his father died, Galifar assumed leadership of Karrnath at age 21. Galifar expanded Karrnath's military and began making plans to unite the other Five Nations through conquest or diplomacy. After ten years of rule, Galifar began a military campaign to unify Khorvaire, and after fourteen long years, he succeeded in uniting the nations, forming what would become known as the Kingdom of Galifar. His grandson, Galifar ir'Wynarn II, later instituted a new calendar starting at the very year that Galifar I united the Five Nations   Under Galifar In the first year of his reign, Galifar I assigned each of the Five Nations to one of his children to oversee as governor-prince/princess. The governance of Karrnath went to Karrn, his eldest son.[7] However, by the time he finally abdicated his throne at the age of 85, several of his older children had already died and it was his youngest son, Cyre, who would succeed him as the second King of Galifar. Under the empire of Galifar, Karrnath's Rekkenmark Academy became the school for military officers across Khorvaire.   The Last War   Karrnathi forces battling Cyran forces.   In 894 YK, King Jarot's son Kaius I joined his siblings in opposing handing the crown to Mishann of Cyre, igniting the Last War. While Karrnath had some of the best military minds and armies, a series of plagues and famines left Karrnath short on troops, forcing Karrnath to turn to creating undead soldiers with aid from the Blood of Vol. Despite its use of undead, Karrnath would still suffer some of the heaviest casualties of the war.   During the war, Karrnath lost the territory of the Mror Holds, which declared independence in 914 YK; the Lhazaar Principalities, which declared independence in 986 YK; and the Talenta Plains; all of which were later recognized as independent nations by the Treaty of Thronehold.   In 976 YK, upon the death of his father Jaron, Kaius III became king, but due to his age, his aunt Moranna became regent of Karrnath. During Moranna's regency, she disbanded the Blood of Vol military orders, but the Order of the Emerald Claw refused to disband, becoming an outlawed organization. Kaius III came of age and took full control over Karrnath in 991 YK and became the biggest proponent of peace.

Trade & Transport

Much of Karrnath's economy revolves around utilizing its vast and dense forests such as the Karrnwood. Karrnathi pines, paper, and other wood products are highly valued exports.[1] While Karrnath suffers from food shortages, forcing it to import staples like grain, it is known for its cheeses, meats and ales. Goods like Nightwood ale and Karrn bitter cheese are luxuries fetching a high price in other nations.   Karrnath is also home to a number of the dragonmarked houses. Houses Deneith and Jorasco both have their headquarters in Karrnath, along with the eastern branch of House Cannith. In addition, the Twelve, an organization made up of all the Houses, has its headquarters in Karrnath's capital of Korth.

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