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Rex Regis (recks reej-is)

Rex Regis is the founder of the Midnight Congregation, a religion that worships the sovereign Olladra and the Traveler. In 745 YK, he began preaching this new interpretation of the teachings of his goddess. This early sect of Olladra worship was quickly suppressed, but it slowly grew over the next 250 years. In modern times, the Midnight Congregation is highly decentralized and widespread throughout Khorvaire. Followers of this religion never exist in significant number in one particular place, but their cumulative number is significant. In practice, the Midnight Congregation bears a resemblance to ancient Dionysian cults, though this current method of worship isn't what Rex Regis, the founder, intended. Most people nowadays are aware of the Midnight Congregation and view it negatively. A reason for this might be the fact that Congregationists will often wear clown makeup as part of their rituals.   The Midnight Congregation views pleasure (joy in some interpretations) as the only fundamentally good thing. Rex Regis viewed this as a philosophical commitment to maximize the pleasure to oneself and others, but modern followers of this religion use this worship to justify mindless hedonism. Most modern Congregationists are dilettantes, wastrels, or playboys who are happy to have a reason to live their lives without purpose.   Once the Midnight Congregation became big enough that his leadership was no longer effective, he voluntarily stepped down as leader. Rex Regis continues to preach the word of his faith to anyone who will listen. As a result of this, Rex Regis is currently the second most powerful cleric on the continent of Khorvaire, after Jaela Daran.   In 992 YK, Rex Regis joined the Red Spiders as their fifth member after the death of the previous fifth member Durin Stonecutter. He traveled with them for a year, reviving Ashian the Red and Shoorio d'Ghallanda after a battle with a purple worm went poorly, before the Red Spiders were hired by King Kaius III to rescue his aunt Princess Rosalyn. The Red Spiders quickly realized that the Princess was actually in hiding and did not need to be rescued. For several months, the Red Spiders were embroiled in a plot to overthrow King Kaius III, but this all fell apart when Princess Rosalyn was assassinated. The body was thorougly destroyed, so Rex Regis could not bring her back from the dead. Upon learning of this, King Kaius III ordered the arrest of the Red Spiders. A strike force made up of Vortimund (now significantly younger for some reason) and two of the Knights of Galifar caught up to the Spiders in the city of Vedykar and kidnapped their leader Shoorio d'Ghallanda.   The Spiders tracked down the train carrying Shoorio and along with thirty recent recruits. Unfortunately, the Spiders' daring rescue happened to occur on the Day of Mourning. Elm Holimion (#2) and Shoorio were teleported away by some unknown force.   Having survived the blast through unknown means, Rex Regis spent the next few days tracking the remaining Spiders. His search brought him to Thronehold...   Full name: The-One-Who-Built-Long-Red-Roads-North-Of-Shae-Cairdal,   Power: Gold.


Elm Holimion


Towards Rex Regis


Rex Regis


Towards Elm Holimion


Shoorio d'Ghallanda


Towards Rex Regis


Rex Regis


Towards Shoorio d'Ghallanda


Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Year of Birth
590 YK 404 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
150 lbs
Olladra and the Traveler
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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