
Anvolee, nestled within the vast underground expanse beneath the Greenlands, stands as a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of its changeling inhabitants. From the moment one sets foot within its cavernous embrace, they are greeted by a sight unlike any other. The architecture, a harmonious blend of functionality and beauty, seems to defy the very limitations of the stone from which it is crafted.   The city's structures, each one a masterpiece in its own right, rise majestically from the cavern floor, their intricate designs and flawless craftsmanship captivating the eye and stirring the imagination. Bridges arch gracefully over subterranean rivers, their supports adorned with delicate carvings depicting scenes from Arak lore and legend. Towers soar skyward, their spires disappearing into the darkness above, while below, labyrinthine tunnels wind their way through the rock, connecting the various districts and neighborhoods that make up the city. In the heart of the city lies the Clocktower, a sprawling mechanical complex that serves some unknown function   But perhaps the most remarkable thing about Anvolee is not its beauty or its grandeur, but the spirit of innovation and creativity that pervades every corner of the city. For here, in this hidden world beneath the earth, the fey are free to their passions and pursue their schemes.
Large city