
Also variously called shadow fey or shadow elves for their association with that plane, the Arak’s origins are not natural. Gwydion, an ancient fiend of god-like power lodged within the Shadow Plane, ferried away their ellefolk ancestors and made them his race of thralls many eons ago. Gwydion imbued them with the power of darkness, transforming them into the Shadow Fey. After they were liberated by their now-late leader Arak the Erlking, the shadow fey adopted Arak as the name of all their kind in his honor.   Despite being all technically part of the same race, the Arak are divided into several different kinds of Breeds. There are nine major breeds, along with several Lesser Breeds that are much fewer and more specialized in nature. Breed is not inheirited but rather outgrowths of their personalities. Each breed has its own role within Arak society.   The Nine Breeds comprise the political leadership of Arak society. They are split into two courts, the Seelie Court and the Unseelie Court led by Queen Maeve , the Seelie Court is generally comprised of Shee , Alven , and Portune . Led by Prince Loht , the Unseelie Court is generally comprised of Sith , Muryan , Teg , and Powrie . (Fir  may belong to either court.) Whereas the Unseelie Court’s intentions towards humanoids are definitely evil and exploitative, the Seelie Court’s intentions are fairly benign but dismissive and amoral, thus not being entirely good.  
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