Arthur's Laboratory

Everything Has Its Place

  Arthur Sedgewick 's laboratory is a testament to orderliness and precision, reflecting his meticulous nature and dedication to scientific inquiry. Situated within the narrow structure of Nik/Wic Investigations , the laboratory occupies a cramped chamber characterized by high ceilings, large windows allowing ample natural light, and oak-paneled walls adorned with scientific diagrams and charts.   Upon entering, one is immediately struck by the sense of methodical organization that pervades the space. Every instrument, apparatus, and specimen is meticulously arranged according to a carefully devised system, demonstrating Sedgewick's commitment to efficiency and functionality.   The laboratory is equipped with an array of state-of-the-art scientific instruments, many of which Sedgewick himself has designed and constructed. Glassware gleams on polished wooden shelves, neatly labeled and arranged by size and function. Bunsen burners hiss softly beneath a row of flasks, providing a gentle warmth for experiments. Microscopes of various sizes sit atop sturdy workbenches, each positioned for optimal viewing and analysis.
Advantage on Intelligence (Medicine) skill checks.
  • Alchemist's Supplies
  • Herbalism Kit
Room, Medical, Laboratory
Connected Rooms
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