Arthur Sedgewick

Dr. Arthur Sedgewick is a remarkable character in the Land of the Mist who seamlessly combines the roles of a highly skilled healer and a brilliant detective. His presence is felt throughout the city of Port-a-Lucine, where he serves both as a medical practitioner at the Phlegethan Hospital and as a renowned detective who aids in solving complex mysteries and researching supernatural phenomenon.  

Medical Expertise

As a doctor, Dr. Sedgewick is renowned for his exceptional skill in the healing arts. He possesses an in-depth knowledge of both magical and traditional medicine, and his clinic is a sanctuary for those in need of medical care. Although his bedside manner is considered cold and professionally direct, none question his tireless dedication to his patients.  

Detective Skills

In addition to his medical practice, Dr. Sedgewick has a keen intellect and a knack for solving mysteries. He and his partner Content Not Found: alakin-ray are often called upon by local law enforcement within the Core to assist in complex investigations, especially those involving magical or supernatural elements. His ability to combine his medical knowledge with deductive reasoning and magical expertise makes him an invaluable asset to any case.


Alanik Ray

Partner (Vital)

Towards Arthur Sedgewick



Arthur Sedgewick

Partner (Vital)

Towards Alanik Ray



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