Nik/Wic Investigations

Nik/Wic Investigations is a testament to both Alanik Ray 's eclectic tastes and his keen eye for detail. Located in a quiet corner of the bustling Port-a-Lucine the office exudes an air of old-world charm and sophistication, its walls lined with shelves filled to the brim with books and curiosities of all shapes and sizes.   Upon entering the office, visitors are greeted by the rich aroma of aged parchment and the faint scent of exotic spices. The room is bathed in warm, inviting light, filtering in through tall, arched windows adorned with delicate lace curtains that sway gently in the breeze.   The furnishings in the office are of the finest quality, each piece meticulously chosen to reflect Alanik's refined tastes. A plush velvet armchair sits in one corner, its cushions adorned with intricate embroidery depicting scenes from mythology. A polished mahogany desk dominates the center of the room, its surface cluttered with stacks of papers and half-finished sketches.
Advantage on Intellegence (Investigation) skill checks involving solving mysteries, riddles, or crimes.
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