Chapter 10 - Southward to Silbervas

Fight in the Forest

As the party prepared to confront the creature of ooze, their friend Lelf was suddenly ensnared by the swirling mists surrounding them, dragged into the base of a nearby eerie tree where the creature had made its lair. The party watched in horror as he vanished from sight, the chilling tendrils of mist swallowing him whole.   But before they could fully process what had happened, a new figure emerged from the depths of the tree, towering over them with muscles rippling and an enormous battle axe gripped firmly in its hands. It wasted no time in joining the fray, its fierce presence lending strength to the party's resolve.  
The creature of blue ooze launched its assault, its form undulating with malice as it sought to invade the minds of the party members. It conjured visions of their deepest fears and darkest desires, attempting to sow discord and confusion amongst their ranks.   Yet, despite the onslaught of mental torment, the party stood firm, their bond of friendship and determination unwavering in the face of adversity. With coordinated effort and unwavering resolve, they fought back against the insidious influence of the creature, striking blow after blow until it could no longer withstand their combined might.   With a final surge of determination, the party delivered the decisive blow, sending the creature reeling back into the depths of the tree from whence it came. As the creature slithered away, the tree itself began to collapse, its twisted form crumbling into a sinkhole of inky darkness that seemed to swallow the very essence of the forest itself.   With the immediate threat vanquished, the party took a moment to catch their breath, their hearts still racing with adrenaline as they surveyed the scene before them. Though they had emerged victorious, they knew that their journey through the Vigila Forest was far from over, and that even greater challenges lay ahead as they continued their quest for freedom and salvation.  
Level Up! Lvl 5

A New Ally

The green, muscle-bound arrival introduced himself as Gungus , the simple yet agreeable half-orc barbarian. Unable to pursue Lelf into the underground, the party remorsefully set their sites on the task at hand - escaping Falkovnia.  
As they settled in for the night, fatigue weighed heavy on their shoulders, but the ever-present tension of their surroundings kept their senses sharp. Each rustle of the leaves or snap of a twig caused them to tense, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.   Upon the second ngiht, the sounds of conflict echoed through the night, the party tensed, their instincts urging them to investigate the disturbance. With practiced stealth, they crept to the edge of the woods, careful not to reveal their presence as they observed the scene unfolding on the Silver Way road.   What they witnessed sent chills down their spines - a band of undead, led by a figure bearing a haunting resemblance to Gerrick Henninger , the fallen captain of the Red Talons. The undead horde mercilessly attacked a group of travelers, their weapons and arrows striking down the living with horrifying efficiency.   The party watched in stunned silence, their hearts heavy with the weight of the grim sight before them. The realization that Gerrick Henninger now walked among the undead sent shivers of dread through their ranks, raising questions about the nature of his transformation and the forces at work in Falkovnia.   As the undead horde moved on, leaving behind a trail of death and despair, the party remained hidden in the shadows, grappling with the unsettling implications of what they had witnessed. With the first light of dawn, they knew they would have to continue their journey with even greater caution, wary of the dangers that lurked in the cursed lands of Falkovnia.

Return to "Civilization"

In the bustling city of Silbervas , the party found themselves divided in pursuit of their individual interests. While Kimbatul Suolkiroth and Zildeen Zaratul sought out components for their spells at "Master Gatix's Gemstone Gallery," the others sought respite and camaraderie at "The Rusty Nail." At the gemstone gallery, they encountered Gatix Fizzlefern, an eccentric and boastful gnome who proudly displayed his precious wares. Despite Gatix's overbearing demeanor, Kimbatul Suolkiroth and Zildeen Zaratul managed to acquire the pearls they needed, though not without enduring Gatix's incessant bragging about the rarity and quality of his gemstones.  
  Meanwhile at "The Rusty Nail," the rest of the party found themselves embroiled in a raucous arm wrestling and drinking competition, spurred on by the rowdy atmosphere of the tavern. Gungus and Thuldor Ironbreaker 's friendly competition quickly escalated into a contest of strength and endurance, drawing the attention and cheers of the tavern patrons. However, as the drinking intensified, the competition took a messy turn, ending in a flurry of spilled ale and vomit.   As Kimbatul Suolkiroth and Zildeen Zaratul rejoined their companions outside the tavern, they were met with a scene of disarray and laughter, with Gungus and Thuldor Ironbreaker nursing their pride and stomachs after their ill-fated contest. Given their state, Gungus and Thuldor Ironbreaker decided to sleep off their mid-day escapades while Zenobia , Anethra Luliandre , Kimbatul Suolkiroth , and Zildeen Zaratul negotiated with Zenobia's contact, the wealthy Falkovnian fish monger, Manfred Heincrich .