
Gungus's brother Tarunk is the leader of the Throatcrusher clan. The clan originated as part of a rebellion against their original tribe, Partagk's tribe of the Sword Mountains. Partagk was father to both Tarunk and Gungus. Tarunk was a full bred orc, whereas Gungus was a half-orc stemming from his father taking a human mate, Gwendifier. Tarunk was coming of age when his father took Gwendifier as a mate, who bore Gungus as a child. Tarunk did not approve of this pairing, ultimately challenging his father to a bludgeoning match to take over as tribe leader, but was bested by his father. Tarunk, a rare orc that can cast spells, sought his revenge for this shame by casting choke on Gwendifier, killing her. Gungus was a young child when his mother was killed by "bad magic" in front of him, spawning his fear of magic. Tarunk created a new clan consisting of fellow orcs who disapproved of Partagk taking a human mate, the clan name Throatcrusher stemmed from the incident. Tarunk took Gungus with him, in hopes of raising him to be a strong warrior despite his tarnished bloodline. Gungus is completely unaware that his brother can cast spells and is responsible for his mother's death. As Gungus came of age, his brother was massively frustrated with his stupidity, despite his strength and skill in battle. Rather than banish him (as Gungus likely wouldn't understand) he sent him off to hunt snipe for the clan, leaving him far behind.




Towards Gungus




Towards Tarunk


Tarunk (Half-Brother)
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