Erlathan Zaratul

Erlathan, with the solemn grace of a stone sentinel, moves through the grand halls of the University of Dementlieu with an air of austere dignity. As a professor of arcane studies, his gaze, like pools of molten gold, holds an inscrutable depth, betraying little of the emotions that lie beneath his stoic facade.   His countenance, carved from the finest marble, remains impassive and unyielding, framed by cascading locks of snow-white hair pulled tightly into a ponytail that cascades past his broad shoulders. Clad in silken robes that drape elegantly over his form, Erlathan's appearance is as immaculate and unblemished as his unyielding visage.   To many, Erlathan exudes an aura of intimidation, his measured speech punctuated by lengthy pauses as he carefully weighs each word before imparting it to the listener. This deliberate deliberation stems not only from a profound commitment to contemplation and introspection but also from a conscious effort to convey his thoughts in a manner accessible to those less versed in the complexities of arcane knowledge.   Indeed, Erlathan's intellect is as vast as the cosmos itself, his lexicon a tapestry woven from the threads of countless languages and disciplines. Yet, despite his unparalleled mastery of the arcane arts, he remains grounded by the gentle guidance of his wife, Aerilaya Zaratul, who reminds him of the importance of bridging the gap between his lofty intellect and the understanding of those around him.  
Erlathan stat block


Erlathan Zaratul


Towards Aerilaya Zaratul


Aerilaya Zaratul


Towards Erlathan Zaratul


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