Aerilaya Zaratul

Aerilaya glides with a feline grace that could match the fluidity of any tabaxi, causing even the most devout clerics to second-guess their reverence. While she seldom wears anything overtly revealing, her attire clings snugly to her feminine form, accentuating her curves with subtle elegance. Conversing with her can leave one feeling oddly self-aware, as her jade-green eyes seem to peer through with a hint of playful mockery, accompanied by a barely perceptible grin. This deliberate demeanor serves not only to disarm those in her presence but also to amuse Aerilaya herself.   As feelings of inadequacy and bewilderment intensify, Aerilaya effortlessly disregards societal norms, displaying a relaxed demeanor amidst the haughtiest of Dementlieu aristocracy. Whether lounging with her head casually against a wooden beam, tendrils of alabaster hair escaping her loosely tied bun, or seated with legs spread on the reverse of a chair, she exudes an air of nonchalant confidence. Even the most self-absorbed noble, initially offended by her demeanor, quickly succumbs to Aerilaya's disarming laughter and unique brand of flattery, finding themselves charmed by her blend of kindness and subtle jabs.    
Aerilaya Stat Block


Erlathan Zaratul


Towards Aerilaya Zaratul


Aerilaya Zaratul


Towards Erlathan Zaratul


Erlathan Zaratul (Husband)
Ruled Locations
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