George Weathermay

Born in 709 BC, George Weathermay is the son of Jules and Martha Scoville Weathermay and the brother of Alice Weathermay. He is also the uncle of Gennifer and Laurie Weathermay-Foxgrove. In 726 BC, George left his home to embark on a crusade against the forces of evil that plague the Land of Mists. During his journey, he fought alongside renowned figures such as Claudia DeShanes, Arametrius, and Rudolph Van Richten. Over the years, he achieved great fame through numerous adventures, earning recognition for his bravery and bringing honor to the Weathermay family name. However, the relentless cruelty of the Land of Mists took its toll on George, slowly eroding his once-idealistic nature and leaving him with a much grimmer and more fatalistic outlook on life.   In 731 BC, George's sister Alice passed away, a loss that deeply affected him. He blamed her husband, Daniel Foxgrove, for her death, leading to a bitter estrangement between the two men. Despite this, George's love for his nieces, Gennifer and Laurie, remains steadfast, and he continues to care for them deeply.   In 741 BC, George Weathermay's life took a tragic turn when he met and fell in love with a captivating and dashing maiden named Natalia. Their love seemed destined for marriage, and for a time, George believed he had found true happiness. However, this romance was nothing more than a cruel deception. Natalia was, in fact, Natalia Vhorishkova, a sworn enemy of Dr. Rudolph Van Richten . Her affection for George was a calculated lie, designed to bring her closer to Dr. Van Richten so she could kill him.   The scheme ultimately failed, but it ended in brutal tragedy. Natalia's true identity was revealed, and in the chaos that ensued, young Gennifer Weathermay-Foxgrove  was savagely mauled. George, paralyzed by shock and betrayal in the moment of Natalia's unmasking, was left with a grievous spiritual wound that refuses to heal. The depth of his despair and guilt is profound, made worse by the knowledge that his love had been nothing more than a weapon used against him and those he cared for.   Driven by a need for vengeance, George swore to hunt down Natalia and exact retribution. His vendetta led him to the mass slaughter of the Vhorishkova family, sparing none—not even the toothless elderly noncombatants. This ruthless campaign marked a dark transformation in George. Once a noble crusader with a deep sense of goodness, he became consumed by a cold, relentless zealotry to eradicate evil. This newfound callousness has hardened his heart, driving him further away from the idealism and compassion that defined him in his younger days. The scar left by Natalia's betrayal runs deep, and George's quest for justice has become a grim and solitary path, one that may never lead to the healing of his wounded soul.
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