Johann Severin


Johann Severin was born and raised in the rugged Mount Gries region of Borca. As a young man, he eventually settled in Levkarest, where he joined The Church of Ezra as an Anchorite, dedicating himself to serving as a healer and spiritual counselor. Over the years, Johann rose through the ranks of the Church, attaining the position of Toret. He now serves as the Church’s treasurer, with an office in the Great Cathedral, and is accompanied by a pair of bodyguards on his official duties.
  Now in his sixties, Johann suffers from gout and walks with a severe limp. His face is partially obscured by a mask, a stark reminder of the brutal encounter that left him maimed and scarred for life. This near-fatal attack came at the hands of a vampire, a creature that would have claimed Johann’s life had it not been for the timely intervention of Dr. Rudolph Van Richten. This event forged a deep friendship between the two men, with Johann pledging his unwavering support to the doctor in his crusade against the forces of darkness.   Despite his physical afflictions, Johann’s compassion and dedication to his faith have enabled him to cultivate an extensive and remarkably diverse network of contacts throughout the eastern Core. His reputation as a healer and a man of integrity has earned him the trust of many, making him an invaluable ally in the ongoing struggle against the evils that plague the land.
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