
Lamordia stands as the bastion of scientific inquiry within Ravenloft. Its inhabitants hold rational thought in the highest regard, shunning all notions of religion as mere superstition and regarding magic as nothing more than "unfathomed science." Ironically, this steadfast belief exerts a tangible influence on magic within Lamordia, manifesting as "The Dakj Fe’nunft" (the Dark Reason), wherein magic is stifled in the vicinity of Lamordian crowds. The sheer force of their conviction acts to repel the presence of magic, resulting in its suppression.   In addition to being a haven for scientific advancement, Lamordia also leads the forefront in weapon development and medical innovation. Pioneering the introduction of firearms, they have become synonymous with cutting-edge weaponry, while their medical practices draw scholars and healers from far and wide to learn from their expertise. This prominence has earned them the ire of Vladeska Drakov of Falkovnia, who harbors a deep-seated resentment towards Lamordia, attributing much of the firearms proliferation in neighboring domains to them. Despite Drakov's animosity, Lamordians remain unfazed, confident in their belief that her despotic rule will ultimately be countered by the power of firearms and steadfast discipline.  
Neighboring Nations