Politics - Raphael Blanc

Raphael Blanc

Raphael Blanc  


Manfred Heinrich

Manfred Heincrich considers a "renissance man" as far as a Falkovnian can be considered, and as such, he has made it a point to get close to a number of important figures in Port-a-Lucine's artistic circles. Despite how different they are, both figures seem to share a deep friendship and share a great love for the finer things in life. Additionally, Manfred Heincrich will commission Raphael Blanc from time to time for special requests from Viktor Drakov who prefers his "consorts" to be presentable.

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Stefan Dyreth

Stefan Dryeth - The alliance between Raphael Blanc , Stefan Dryeth, and Manfred Heincrich sounds like a formidable force in both the fashion and textile industries within the Core. Raphael's influence as a premier fashion designer, coupled with Stefan's position as a major producer of textiles, likely creates a synergy that benefits both parties greatly. Stefan's introduction of Raphael to Manfred Heincrich not only deepens their business ties but also suggests a network of connections that can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations. Additionally, Stefan's appreciation for Raphael's social circle and access to influential figures, such as the Lord-Governor, adds another layer of advantage to their alliance, allowing them to navigate both the business and political landscapes of the city more effectively.

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Theodosia Noir

Theodosia Noir and Raphael Blanc The dynamic between Theodosia and Raphael is intriguing, as they typically inhabit opposite ends of Port-a-Lucine's social spectrum. While Raphael gravitates towards the affluent and glamorous, Theodosia frequently engages with the impoverished and marginalized. Despite these differences, they share an unusually strong bond, seemingly devoid of romantic entanglements. Regularly, Theodosia serves as a mediator between Raphael and Claude Verte , who have a longstanding history of discord.   Secrets: Theodosia Noir not only knows about Raphael Blanc's canibalistic appetites, but often supplies him with those individuals who would not be missed due to their poor social standing. In fact, on more than occasion, Theodosia Noir has asked to watch him "prepare his meal," acting as a secondary guest at dinner to lull his victim's into a false sense of security.

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Claude Verte

Claude Verte - The ongoing feud between Claude Verte and Raphael Blanc is a favorite topic of conversation among Port-a-Lucine's elite. Despite their shared social circles, both men seem unable to tolerate each other, ironically due to their strikingly similar characteristics. Raphael Blanc views Claude Verte as haughty, conservative, and dull, accusing him of lacking genuine appreciation for the arts beyond their commercial value. Conversely, Claude sees Raphael as an overhyped critic living off past glories, destined to be forgotten as swiftly as the fleeting fashion trends he so readily dismisses.   Secret: Claude Verte is secretly working with U'ta Refson to assasinate Raphael Blanc once U'ta Refson can secure enough influence to take over the position of Councilor of the Arts.

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U'ta Refson

U'ta Refson - Emerging as a prominent patron of the arts, he has captured the attention of the Port-a-Lucine elite. His recent triumphs in musical productions at the Port-a-Lucine Opera House, coupled with his affiliation with Sari Pretorius, a rising figure in the city's social scene, have propelled him towards a new ambition: securing the position of Councilor of the Arts. However, to realize this ambition, he finds an unexpected ally in Claude Verte, whose strong antipathy towards the current councilor aligns perfectly with U'ta's goals.

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Juliette Saphir

Juliette Saphir is a diplomatic realist, ever ready to seize an opportunity to secure support when it presents itself. While harboring a strong dislike for some of Raphael's key associates, notably Manfred Heincrich , Juliette acknowledges Raphael's hidden depths. She perceives him as far shrewder than he pretends to be, recognizing the traits of a skilled manipulator. Consequently, she often disregards his theatrical antics, understanding that beneath the facade lies a mind adept at negotiating mutually advantageous agreements.

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