
A Kingdom Without a King

Darkon was arguably once one of the most powerful countries within the Domains of Dread. That was of course, before the disappearance of it’s Lord, Azalin Rex, a powerful Lich obsessed with escaping the Dark Powers which bound him to the land and kept him imprisoned within its borders. It would seem perhaps he was successful in his plans as the throne of Castle Avernus sits vacant.   Without their cruel leader’s control over the land, the country has fractured into six fiefdoms now controlled by the “Demilords” that once served as the governing agents under Azalin. These “Demilords” are at constant odds with one another, building and breaking alliances as it suites their ambitions. Even more concerning than the endless civil war are the whispers of the townsfolk who claim large portions of land and towns have disappeared as if they had never existed. The ruling class disregards such claims and superstitious folklore, but the people believe that without a sovereign ruler, Darkon is being reclaimed by the Mists itself.    
The Six Fiefdoms of Darkon Other Locations
  • Necropolis 
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The Shroud kills all that is living, leaving Necropolis little fear of it's neighbors. Although not all undead with the city require the consumption of flesh or drinking of blood to survive, there are plenty who do, creating a network of human trafficing to sate the cravings of the unliving. On occassion, there may be conflicts with the Kargat upper-ranks (most often vampires), but without the ability of their human armies to survive within the Shroud, they often find themselves outnumbered and outmatched.