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Great Master of Greed, Trove Lord, Wyrm of Avarice, the Avaricious

Abbathor, also known as the Great Master of Greed, was the neutral evil dwarven god of greed before becoming an exarch of Bane. He was an intensely greedy deity and was both desirous and envious of others' riches. Abbathor and his followers believed in the acquisition of all forms of wealth by any and all means necessary.  


Abbathor came to prominence long after the first generation of dwarves had lived and died, well into the second generation of Moradins first children. The general tranquility among dwarves and between had held, though as they grew bolder, so did their love of all things wealth-related. This is normally fine for a dwarf, but Abbathor had sparked conflict among dwarfkind themselves, with clan on clan fighting remaining the norm for well over a century. Eventually, the interference of Vergadain ensured the constant internal fighting was put to an end, with clans having remained at peace ever since. While Abbathor remains weaker, the touch of wealth is still known to influence almost every dwarf.

Sometime during the Decline, Abbathor is known to have had a child (mother unknown) who would eventually grow into Roknar, the Stout Deciever.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Jeweled dagger, pointed-down

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Great Master of Greed exerts an influence, no matter how subtle, over every dwarven heart. Abbathor teaches that greed isn’t only desirable, but necessary to keep the dwarves in a strong and safe position. Abbathor has no skill in crafting. Instead, he relies on his ability as a thief to take ownership of what he wants. Why work so hard to manufacture something when a much easier path to riches lies open? Abbathor is the only advocate for change within the dwarven pantheon. He can inspire dwarves to seek shortcuts, normally frowned upon, but sometimes those methods turn out to be efficient techniques that improve a clan’s capabilities.


Contacts & Relations

Abbathor's relations with his fellow dwarven deities were strained, but he was not cast out of the pantheon.
Neutral Evil


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