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Aelinklar Clan

The Aelinklar Clan are a gold dwarf clan originally based in Skortenia, though moved their headquarters to Averum in 985 DC. The clan owns and runs one of the most well-known banks found in the City of Two Coasts: Aelingold Bank. The origin of their names comes from the dwarvish phrase 'work makes gold bread.' One notable element of the clans banking infrastructure is their use of dwarven runes that provide protection against theft.


Most clan members have a dedication to a single craft common to the clan; either jewelmaking, runewriting or coinmaking, while also having some minor ability in a secondary craft common to the clan. A members dedication to that craft designates their position in the clan, either as a Glaendin (jeweler), Grohtstolin (runewriter) or Aelinin (coiner). All members are considered equal to one another in both position and importance to the overall clan.   The clan has 91 members, though only about one third of their number operate within the confines of the Aelingold Banks greater area. Outside of young members; who are normally in some for training, skilled adults also lend their crafting and economic skills to other organizations based in Averum.


Aelinklar lacks many of the war-like tendencies often displayed by other dwarf clans. Much of this can be attributed to their focus on harmony with other races but also the clans dedication to artisanal crafts oft-forgotten by other dwarf clans. Ever since the clan established the Aelingold Bank in 1093 DC, the clan has made a gradual shift into tossing away dwarf prejudice of old. The clan places a strong value on personal intelligence and every member is expected to make an effort to learn several languages besides dwarvish, in addition to being able to both read and write.   Contrary to most dwarf clans, not all members are trained in the basics of dwarven combat, a practice dating back to 1136 when the clan came to an agreement with another dwarf clan based in Averum; the Stonebeard Clan, who would assist in safeguarding their clan in exchange for financing a number of costs required by the Stonebeard.   The clan holds a relatively skeptical view of the city they operate in, despite their willingness to do so. This is not uncommon for dwarf clans, though it does limit the ability for Aelinklar to work effectively alongside Averum itself.


Aelinklar worship the Morndinsamman, being one of the few dwarf clans primarily worshipping the Merchant King, Vergadain; deity of trickery and negotiation. However most members tended to favor his skill in the art of the deal rather than his condoning of less-than-legal means of acquiring wealth. In addition, the clan held Moradin, Dugmaren Brightmantle and Thautam in high regard as well.

Public Agenda

Officially, the Aelinklar is dedicated to the operation of the Aelingold Bank and the general well-being of the dwarven diaspora living within Averum.


The clan owns the Aelingold Bank and have considerable stores of wealth in the form of trade bars.


The Aelinklar clan was founded in Skortenia, amongst the west in 68 AS by a small group of displaced worshipers of Vergadain.   By 456 AS, the clan had grown to over a hundred dwarfs and was recognized by nearby dwarven clans as a clan in its own right.   In 907 AS, a migrating group of dire corby forced the dwarfs from their home, leading them to journey towards the port town of Guinan in Nankan Guo.   In 1093 AS, Aelinklar chartered a vessel towards Averum with the intention of establishing their clan in the city. 4 months later, the Aelinklar Bank was opened in Averum.

Oathful protection.

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Clan
Leader Title
Family Leader

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