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The Angharrine are an elf collective based in the southern, largely high-elf populated forests of Tila'thyu. The clan is considered by many faithful of Seldarine as an unofficial church to the elf goddess Angharradh, having been originally formed by priestesses devoted to each of her three aspects; Hanali Celanil, Sehanine Moonbow and Aerdrie Faenya.


Angahrrine is divided into three smaller collectives relative to each aspect of Angharradh. Each collective has a leader who acts as a figurehead of representation for their goddess. The leader for Aerdrie is the Faenyan, the leader for Henali is the Celanilite and the leader for the Sehanine is the Sehanite. The three leaders are voted in by their fellow clan with candidates only being permitted at the behest of another clan member. To be eligible as a leader of one of the Angharradhs collectives, a member must be devoted to one of her aspects, or to the Queen herself.


The Angharrine are a unified clan where membership is not based on familial ties, though instead through invitation. A prospective member must be presented to the most respected members of the Angharrine, with said member expected to go into detail with regards to their suitability to the Angharrine. Members then vote on whether or not a member is permitted into the clan, requiring a 66% majority to be allowed. Angharrin are almost always in some way devoted to one of Angharradhs aspects, though this is not always the case.   The Angharrine have views on other races typical of surface elves, holding a particular enmity for drow and a level of distaste for dwarves though that stands as more a rivalry than anything else.   Angharrin are typically restrained when dealing with outside agencies though they frequently interact with other organisations dedicated to the Seldarine in a positive fashion. They have a particular indifference to the many politically inclined clans of their elven brethren on Tila'thyu.


The Angharrine were founded in -10700 AS during a chance encounter between priestesses representing Angharradhs three aspects. From then until around -1200 AS, it existed as a minor element of elf society, rarely having more than 50 or so members at a time.   After the Mortalbound Period in 382 DC, the Angharrine had a surge of interest from elven religious scholars as the events that occured during the period had become apparent, pushing the clan towards to the forefront of elven scholarly circles for nearly half a generation. This period also brought increased membership and led to the current system of member permittance seen today.   At the end of the Decline and as a result of Fates End in 802 DC, the shifting in celestial nature of Angharradhs existence saw a mixture of renewed interest in the clan in both a positive in negative light. Some saw it as a lost relic of Angharradhs previous form, while others felt it personified her new presence to a greater extent.

Each aspect makes one whole.

Founding Date
-10700 AS
Religious, Other
Alternative Names
Angharradhs Faithful


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