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Queen of Arvandor, the Triune Goddess, the One and the Three, the Union of the Three

Angharradh, also referred to as the Queen of Arvandor, who was sometimes considered the personification of three separate elven goddesses, Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celanil, and Sehanine Moonbow, as well as a single goddess who extended beyond these three separate aspects before the Mortalbound Period, was the chief goddess of the Seldarine. As such, her nature reflected traits of each of these deities. Due to the nature of her creation, Angharradh exhibited a fierce protectiveness and strong resolve. Despite her vigilance, the reversal of the Elven Retreat and the return of drow to Caoz Gao weakened Angharradh's spirit while causing the three goddesses to spend more time apart.


Before elves walked the world of Edarmyrni, Angharradh arose from the great battle between the Seldarine and the followers of Araushnee. Aerdrie, Hanali and Sehanine came together to heal Corellon Larethian after he was felled by Eilistraee who was fooled by Araushnee. As they did so, they formed Angharradh, serving alongside Corellon as the Queen of Arvandor.   Angharradh acted as the elven goddess of wisdom, growth, protection, honor and writing for most of her existence up until the Arcfamine. She had little interjection into the affairs of mortals, taking a similar view to Corellon as would be expected. During the Mortalbound Period, Angharradh served alongside Corellon within Evermeet and during his few travels away from the island. During an attempt by Corellon to quell the now similarly affected gods of the Dark Seldarine, Angharradh was slain by Gruumsh as the pair of Seldarine members were tricked into an encounter with the orcish god as a result of deception brought about by Zinzerana.   Upon Angharradhs death, her portfolios were meant to be absorbed by Gruumsh, however the interjection of Aedrie, Hanali and Sehanine avoided such a calamity, the effects of which could have spelt disaster for elves everywhere. The three goddesses were able to contain Angharradhs divine power from being released and absorbed it themselves. After the Mortalbound Period ceased, Angharradhs portfolio was overseen by Aedrie, Hanali and Sehanine; with the three managing its elements in a way ideally suited to the Queen of Arvandor.   Upon the events of Fates End, the Overgod redefined the position of Angharradh and made her act as a collection of the three goddesses who had prevented her demise into orcish hands.   After Fates End, Angharradh physical form was an amalgamation of her three aspects; with whichever god is currently closest being more prominently displayed.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Life, War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Three interlocking circles.

Tenets of Faith

"Unity and diversity bring strength. Be ever vigilant against She Who Was Banished and work together in defending the lands of the Fair Folk from those who would work evil. Celebrate the One and the Three for their collective purpose and individual expressions of life. Through the melding of widely different skills and interests, creativity, life, and artistry are nurtured and new ideas are discovered."


Contacts & Relations

As the consort of Corellon, she has a maternal and strong interest in Eilistraee and Mielikki. Angharradh was second only to Corellon among the Seldarine and she often worked closely with the other elven deities. Deities outside of the elven pantheon whom Angharradh called her allies were Berronar Truesilver, Chauntea, Cyrrollalee, Eilistraee, Lurue, Mielikki, Milil, Mystra, Selune, Sharindlar, Sheela Peryroyl, Silvanus, Sune and Yondalla. Her foes included the traditional opponents of the Seldarine, such as the drow pantheon (with the exception of Eilistraee), the Deities of Fury and the goblinoid deities.
Divine Classification
Chaotic good


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