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Daugstad is the name for the island that the Averum Republic calls home. It can be found towards the northeast of Kasetia , close to Ramuni .


Daugstad has high forest cover over much of the island, particularly through the gentle hills towards the center, although there does exist a number of spectacularly beautiful meadows. The coast has generally shallow beachheads, with a reef towards the eastern portion of the islands coastline. The strait running between Daugstad and Kasetia is colloquially known as The Merchant Coast.

Fauna & Flora

Flora: Temperate deciduous trees. Flowery bushes.   Fauna: Deer, wolves, badgers etc. Forest and coastal encounters.

Natural Resources

Wood from forests, livestock from the few pastures, fish from the sea, animals through the wilderness


Daugstad as an island, was relatively uninhabited for much of its existence and still remains as such for the most part. Its history remains one of relative luck, being a place that has had no proper land battles. In truth, a number of halfling villages can be found through the meadows and forests of the islands center, but owing to the uncanny luck of the halfling race, their presence remains a mystery to all but the most experienced rangers of the island. A collection of sea elves refugees took shelter in a series of underground caves on the western reef around 30 years ago, but this too remains a mystery to the island inhabitants.


Tourism is mainly confined to Averum, and those tourists are typically the cashed up kind. Though every so often people will come to the island to wander the wilder parts.
Included Locations
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Owning Organization

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