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Deep Sashelas

Lord of the Undersea, the Dolphin Prince

Deep Sashelas, sometimes known just as Sashelas, is the elven deity of the sea, seafaring, and knowledge. Sashelas is called the Knowledgeable One. His awareness of all lore, not only that about the sea, is seemingly limitless. He is especially beloved by sea elves, dolphins, and elf sages. Deep made his home on Arvandor, although he was rumored to maintain a demesne off the coast of the Muacaaxica Islands known as Tír faoi Thoinn.   Over time, much of the world sinks to the depths of the oceans and is thought to be lost forever, but it isn’t lost to everyone. Sashelas gleans much about the world above the waves from that which sinks beneath them: every shipwreck, every offering, and the wealth and knowledge of every seaside city swallowed by a giant wave are added to Sashelas’s ever-expanding library of lore. Knowledge that has disappeared from the surface world might still be known to the priests of Sashelas, gained through communion with their god. Messengers who never reached their destination, ships filled with scrolls from an ancient library, scholars whose works were lost at sea — all of these add to Sashelas’s storehouse.


Deep Sashelas origin is similar to that of Rillifane Rallathil. After elves took human form, and the gods needed to follow suite, Deep found solace in the appearance of the ocean, and wished to become a dolphin made from its very essence. It's thought that his reason for being so closely tied to sea elves was owing to him originating from a drop of blood which landed in the celestial ocean far below Gruumsh and Corellon Latharian while they fought.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Nature, Tempest

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Watery dolphin.


Contacts & Relations

Deep Sashelas was vehemently opposed to the evil deities of the deep, namely Sekolah and Panzuriel, but also worked against Demogorgon and Dagon. He was friendly, though overall indifferent, with the goddess Mystra and generally ignored the other deities associated with magic. As a member of the Seldarine, Deep Sashelas had good relationships with its other members. He answered directly to Corellon Latharian. Deep Sashelas was an enemy of the Dark Seldarine. However Eilistraee counted him as her friend.  As an undersea deity, he was the leader of the asathalfinare pantheon and had good relationships with its members (Eadro, Persana).


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