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Rillifane Rallathil

the Leaflord, the Wild One, the Great Oak, the Many-Branched, the Many-Limbed, the Old Man of the Yuirwood

Rillifane Rallathil was the elven god of protection of woodlands and the guardian of the harmony of nature. His priests likened him to a giant ethereal oak tree so huge that its roots mingle with every other plant, which stands in the heart of Arvandor. The great tree drew into itself all the ebb and flow of the season and the lives within the woodlands of the green elves. At the same time it defended and protected those lands against disease, predation and assault of all kinds. The Leaflord was quiet, reflective and enduring over eons unchanged. He was the least flighty of the Seldarine, the least likely to act on a whim, and often grave and self-absorbed. Rillifane's avatar manifests only rarely, disliking direct action and preferring to act through his priests. When he did, it was usually in response to an attack on an elven habitat, and was heralded by sudden gusts of winds shaking leaves from trees.


Rillifane Ralathil was said to be a very old deity, older even than Labelas Enoreth, for the great tree would endlessly continue its life without need for eventual death. When the Huasort'e'ke settled in the Sinfine Forest, the Seldarine merged with the ancient gods of the Yuir, taking them on as aspects of the various powers of the elven pantheon. Magnar the Bear and Relkath of the Infinite Branches became a part of the Leaflord. As a result of these changes, over the centuries since, the Wild One has once more become more primordial in spirit.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tall oak tree.

Tenets of Faith

The Great Oak draws energy from all the living creatures of the world and nourishes, sustains and protects them from outside threats. Live in harmony with the natural world, allowing each living being the opportunity to serve out its natural purpose in life. As the Leaflord's countless branches, his faithful are to serve as mortal agents in the natural world. Defend the great forests from those who seek to ravage their riches, leaving only destruction in their path. Contest the quick and slow death of Rillifane's bounty and hold strong like the great oaks in the face of those who can see only their own immediate needs.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Like the other elven deities, Rillifane Rallathil was once a primal elf sprung from droplets of Corellon’s blood. The original primal elves — and indeed, Corellon himself — have no “true form.” Their common, elf-like portrayals are a convenience adopted after the elves took on permanent humanoid form. When the other elven deities decided on humanoid forms, Rillifane took a different approach. He took as his principal form that of an enormous oak tree, taller and wider than any other. Its roots are so deep and far-reaching that they touch the roots of every other plant in the world, or so it’s said. Through this network of tendrils, Rillifane remains aware of everything that happens in the forest. When he chooses to travel to other planes and worlds, Rillifane takes the appearance of an uncommonly tall and strong wood elf with dark skin, handsome features, and twigs and leaves protruding from his hair. In either guise, his main concerns are the welfare of forests and prairies, the passing of the seasons, and the lives of beasts. Most of his followers and priests are elf druids. They’re just as insular and secretive as any other druids, which means their motives are often not clear to those around them.


Family Ties

The Leaflord was on good terms with the Seldarine, as well as most sylvan and faerie deities, in particular Eldath, Mielikki, Silvanus, Oberon  and Titania as well as Baervan Wildwanderer, Cyrrollalee, Eilistraee, Tiensianteisan, Sheela Peryroyl, Skerrit and various animals lords. His foes included Malar, Talos and the evil drow gods.
Divine Classification


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