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Goddess of Singing Waters, Mother Guardian of Groves, The Green Goddess, The Quiet One, Mother of Waters Eldath

Eldath, also known as The Green Goddess or Mother Guardian of Groves, was a lake spirit who acted as the guardian of groves and watersheds, her presence was felt wherever there was calm. She was a pacifist who avoided hostile action, even if threatened. Although shy, quiet and enigmatic, Eldath was possessed of unknown depths of character and unexpressed resolve that could not be broken. Eldath protected rivers, streams, and druids' groves; her dogma was pacifistic, and her followers only resorted to violence in defense of themselves, of their friends and loved ones, and of pools and groves.
She was regarded as a goddess of serenity, comfort, and healing. Any waters blessed by her were known to cure sickness and madness. They could also calm the dying giving them peace and a natural passing. Many rural communities have a designated pond or glade which serves as a holy site for local parishioners.These places were traditionally used as places to reflect and meditate. Usually a body of water (either the pond itself or a stream near those glades considered holy sites) serves as a repository for offerings to Eldath in connection with these holy places. But, when no water is near a special tree or bush is designated as a repository to which offerings are tied to its branches. Offerings are typically weapons broken so they can never be used again, or an item that caused an argument and must be discarded to promote peace.


Eldath and her sister, Mielikki was born to Silvanus after the Birth of Nature in -500. 
Eldath quickly took on the portfolio of peace, and helped in staying Silvanus' hand during his rage after Malar caused The Birth of Manbeast. 
During the Mortalbound Period, Eldath assisted in the capturing of Silvanus' divine essence after his death at the hands of Talos, and infusing his essence with the new Evertree, located in Iruladoon. She stayed in Iruladoon with her sister and dormant father until he was rebirthed, 100 years later.

Divine Domains

Life, Nature

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Waterfall plunging into a still pool


The Greening - celebrated at Greengrass
Firstflow - celebrated upon the breakup of ice, flowing of water and conclusion of winter


Contacts & Relations

Eldath considered Mielikki a sister and together with her she served Silvanus, her father, loyally, even if she did find him at times intimidating. She had close relationships with Chauntea, Selune, and Lathander, as they shared some common interests. Eldath and Mielikki were said to directly bring retribution down on any who deliberately set fires in the Sinfine Forest.
Although Eldath was diametrically opposed to Tempus, the Lord of Battles, they were not enemies. He thought she was naïve, but appreciated her convictions and punished any of his followers that harmed Eldath's faithful or desecrated her shrines and temples.
Divine Classification


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