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Goblin Wars

The Goblin Wars were a series of protracted conflicts fought between numerous goblinoid warbands, led chiefly by Malboja against numerous peoples across Kasetias north, south and eastern coastlines from the years 979 DC to 981 DC. Malbojas host came into conflict with many states of the continent, including; the Kingdom of Ramuni (then named the Northeast Kingdoms), the Eveloth League, the states of South Central Kasetia and the independent territories of North Kasetia.
  The conflict is sometimes referred to by goblinoids as Malbojas War, though this name has become far less common since.

The Conflict


Long before any battles were fought, Malboja subjugated and forced many of the more remote goblinoid tribes throughout the Seper Mountain range into his host.


As Malboja grew in strength, he often tested his armies strength by attacking dwarven patrols throughout the Seper range, and was even able to completely wipe out a number of the weaker dwarven strongholds. When he believed the time was right, sometime in the year 951, he marched his army north towards what is now the Empire of Al'Quadash.


The battles occured primarily in what is now Al'Quadash and the Seper Mountain range.

The Engagement

What happened in Al'Quadash was not a fight. The sheer mass of Malbojas host wiped out any state that stood in its way.   Malbojas descended down through Kasetia towards Ramuni, which is where he met his end. It's unknown how his death actually happened, but it occurred during a large-scale battle against the forces of Ramuni and a number of dwarven clans who had started settlements in Kasetia.
Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
The rise of Al'Quadash, Malobjas death, the formation of the Chankrat Union


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