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Eveloth League

Eveloth is an alliance of three Chondat states stretching across the southern peninsulas; or Twin Sisters of Kasetia. The alliance, while uneasy at times, has stood strong for over 1000 years now. Each of the states inside the League functions in a semi-autonomous way, having much freedom to do as they may. However, given each states dependency on one another in military affairs, they often seek to avoid alienating one another.


Each of states function as an elective kingdom at this current time, with each of those leaders then making up the leagues overall council. They are kept in check by an elected council, with a pair of members chosen to represent each state that ensure each state does not exercise too much power over the others, effectively avoiding a power imbalance.   Each singular state has relative freedom in regards to their actions provided it does not conflict with any of the leagues interests.


Eveloth has primarily Chondat culture and treats themselves as the true origin of the human species and all of its various ethnicities. This has led to most Chondat people being somewhat disrespectful of external cultures, having one of the lowest numbers of both non-human and even non-Chondat peoples. The typical belief of the Chondat is that they exercise limited religious freedom, where anyone living in their territorities has a decent amount of freedom in terms of who they might worship.


The League of Eveloth initially started out as an informal alliance of powerful human tribes prior to the Decline. After the Decline, the tribes quickly fell into squabbling, owing to the lack of other races vying to control the weakest of the elder races: the humans. Over time, as the various human migrations occured and led to a more fractured race, the humans who had stayed began to grow fearful of foreign interlopers and reformed the League of Eveloth during the year 253.   Since then, Eveloth has engaged in primarily offensive foreign actions, a far cry from the original intentions of the state. While few in number, the actions taken by the state as a whole have been devastating to those attacked. This includes, the establishment of the Natranus Protectorate, an economic war against the Averum Republic and a war against the kingdom of Tabofriobizin order to install a leader sympathetic to their state.

Demography and Population


Eveloth has an overall population of around 3,500,000 people. Owing to the regions history as a cultural home of the original humans, it has a tremendous human population.


Around 1,500,000 people. Predominantly human, with the few non-human races throughout Axonland found inside and around Axrid.
  • 90% Human
  • 7% Half-human races
  • 3% Others


Around 1,000,000 people. Slightly more diverse population than other states, owing to its coastal location
  • 68% Human - Primarily Chondat, with small Chundan minority.
  • 11% Half-human races
  • 10% Halflings
  • 5% Gnomes
  • 3% Elves
  • 2% Dragonborns
  • 1% Others


Around 1,000,000 people. Predominantly human, though has a high number of human ethnicities.
  • 83% Human - Primarily Human, collections of Chundan, Tarmian, Tura, and Mianis ethnicities are not uncommon through the regional capital, Bigengis.
  • 8% Halfling
  • 3% Elf
  • 3% Dwarf
  • 2% Dragonborn
  • 1% Other


The Arrow Isle - Currently, Eveloth occupies the Arrow Isle, and claims the land in its entirety. It administers the region through the Natranus Protectorate and to a lesser extent, the Aleussi.


Eveloth uses mainly militia forces, with a mandatory training period of 6 months occuring for most citizens over the age of 14. Alongside this, a small standing army does exist, with divisions of elite soldiers making up this army in entirety. Militia forces are used as a conscripted force when needed. The most common use for these conscript militias is as a peacekeeping force in overseas territorities, or areas considered to be unstable for the time-being.   This method of training also acts as the main method of recruiting people into the Arm of the League. Anyone who completes their training has the opportunity to continue said training, becoming a member of the Arm. This is the primary means of bolstering policing forces in Eveloth.


Religious tolerance varies based on state, with Warenoth being the most stringent of the states in terms of permitted worship.
Founding Date
Alliance, Generic
Alternative Names
Eveloth, The Southern League, Humanities State
Predecessor Organizations
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
Leagues Council - The Leagues Council is a group of elected representatives hailing from the founder states of the League. Each member is typically an experienced judge, well versed in the laws of their state. The Council seeks to write and review laws concerning the Eveloth League on the whole, with the specialities of each council member informing these decisions.
Judicial Body
Arm of the League - The Arm of the League is the official police force employed within the three member states of Eveloth. The Arm is often seen as the closest thing to a unified army the League has, with its members often being those who wished to continue the militia training they were provided upon turning 14.
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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