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He of the Unsleeping Eyes, God of Guardians, The Watcher, The Vigilant, The Vigilant One, The Great Guard

Helm, also known as the Vigilant One and The Watcher, was the god of guardians, protection, and protectors. He was worshiped by guards and paladins both, long being seen as a cold and focused deity who impartially took the role of defender and sometimes also enforcer. His activities in the Time of Troubles caused the folk of Edarmyrni to look differently on the Watcher.


A very old deity, Helm was the eternal sentry and was always seen wearing a full suit of armor that represented the weight of his heavy responsibility. Yet Helm always got the job at hand done without complaint. The people of the Realms widely admired these qualities in what they saw as a humble and reassuring god.
Helm was particularly fond of children, and often forgave their minor transgressions


During the Mortalbound Period, when the gods walked the planet, it was reliable Helm whom The Overgod trusted with the task of keeping the other deities from returning to their divine realms in the planes without returning the stolen Tablets of Fate. For this task, The Overgod left Helm with all his divine abilities, guarding the Celestial Stairway to the planes.
On Midsummer, when the goddess Mystra—who had spirited away a portion of her divine power in the realms, which she then recovered once the gods were cast from the heavens—attempted to pass him without the Tablets, she was turned back by the Watcher, and when she forcibly tried to pass the Watcher, he destroyed her with a catastrophic explosion in the skies above Castle Kilgrave, north of Axrid. Following Mystra's death, Helm shed a single tear that fell to Toril, but stopped before hitting ground. Hovering over the crater of destruction left below, the teardrop appeared as a magnificent gemstone, filled with the torment and guilt that Helm felt inside.
This action had enormous repercussions for Helm. Whilst it put off any of the other earthbound deities attempting the same action, it also caused the other deities and mortals alike to hold Helm in great contempt. Helms following suprisingly remained strong in the south.
After the Mortalbound Period ended and other gods were restored to their former existences, Helm himself was no longer bound to stand guard against them and much of his worship had faltered.
In 382, while conveying messages from Tyr to Tymora during the pair's courtship, a strange and fateful misunderstanding resulted in the accusation that Helm had stolen Tymora's heart. Helm was subsequently slain in a duel by Tyr. Cyric was suspected to have had a hand in these events.
The Heresy of the Threefold God, a belief held by the Eye of Justice maintained that Helm wasn't truly destroyed by Tyr, but rather had his divine essence merged into Tyr's upon his death.
After Fates End, Helm returned to the Realms. While the faith of Helm endured dark times during the 4 centuries that he was dead, or at the very least incorporated into Tyr's essence, his worship never truly disappeared across the realms of Edarmyrni. Since his return, his faith steadily rebounded.

Divine Domains

Life, Light

Tenets of Faith

"Never betray your trust. Be vigilant. Stand, wait, and watch carefully. Be fair and diligent in the conduct of your orders. Protect the weak, poor, injured, and young, and do not sacrifice them for others or yourself. Anticipate attacks and be ready. Know your foes. Care for your weapons so they may perform their duties when called upon. Careful planning always defeats rushed actions in the end. Always obey orders, providing those orders follow the dictates of Helm. Demonstrate excellence and purity of loyalty in your role as a guardian and protector."


Contacts & Relations

Far back in time, the deity Lathander caused a divine purge known as the Dawn Cataclysm in which Helm's lover, a lesser deity of pragmatism called Murdane, was a victim. Helm begrudged the Morninglord for this. However, Helm reserved his real opposition for deities whose plots threatened the people and stability of Edarmyrni, especially Bane, Cyric, Mask, and Shar. He was also especially at odds with the uncontrolled violence and careless destruction of the deities, Malar, and Talos.
The only god who could have been considered a full ally of the Watcher was Torm, the god of paladins. Strongly held ideological differences caused a great rivalry verging on hatred between the clergy of the two gods, but the deities themselves remained close
Divine Classification


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