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The Lord of Three Crowns, The Mad God, The Prince of Lies, The Dark Sun, The Black Sun Cyric

Cyric, whose titles included The Lord of Three Crowns, The Mad God, and The Prince of Lies, was the monomaniacal deity of strife and lies. After he murdered Mystra and caused the Time of Absent Magic, his immense following diminished. Cyric's alignment was chaotic evil; he was petty, self-centered, and enjoyed manipulating individuals into ruining or ending their own lives. He was closely associated with murder, conflict, lies, intrigue, and illusions. Cyric was recognized in Edarmyrni by his symbol: a white jawless skull on a black or purple sunburst. He was a greater power, who ruled supreme in his divine realm, the Supreme Throne.


Cyric the Mortal

Before the Gods War, Cyric was a mortal thief hailing from the streets of Warenint. He attempted to steal the Depth Trident from a powerful tribe of sahuagin, but was unsuccessful and became trapped in their cave. The opportunity to flee only came when a band of adventurers, including the mercenary Kelemvor Lyonsbane, attacked the sahuagin lair while also trying to find the Depth Trident. Kelemvor's entire party, save himself, was slain and only he and Cyric managed to escape. Once back in Axrid, the two eventually joined Adon, a young cleric of Sune, and they took work for the local city watch to uncover a traitor.
As the Mortalbound Period began, they met Caitlin, who beseeched the trio to help her on a quest to free the now-mortal Lady of Mysteries, who had been imprisoned in Castle Kilgrave north of Arabel by Bane. Along the way, they met Midnight, a beautiful wizardess. Once the goddess had been freed, she attempted to ascend the Celestial Stairway to confront Helm, the God of Guardians, with the information that Bane and Myrkul had stolen the Tablets of Fate. But Helm's orders were clear, and without the two Tablets he would not let Mystra pass, and thus the Lady of Mysteries attacked the God of Guardians in a bid to pass him and re-enter the planes. Helm, having retained his divine powers for just the purpose of guarding the stairways, easily slew Mystra. On Midsummer, her divine essence was spread over the nearby lands by a powerful explosion as her avatar was destroyed. Helm's mention of the tablets, as well as witnessing the destruction of a deity, did much to kindle the powerlust in the young Cyric, and when Midnight announced that the now-dead goddess of magic had instructed her to recover the tablets, Cyric was eager to help, planning to take the tablets for himself when chance came.

Cyric the God

On Hammer 1, 381 DR, Cyric ascended to godhood. At some point after this, Cyric killed Leira, making himself the God of Deception, Murder, Strife, the Dead (a title he later lost to Kelemvor), and Intrigue (when he temporarily killed Mask). Cyric also released Kezef the Chaos Hound, and created a book called the Cyrinishad, a magical tome that proclaimed him the One True Deity. This last plot ultimately failed (though not before the book was written and read by both Mask and Cyric, which cost Mask most of his power and drove Cyric insane).
In 382, in retaliation for his murder of Mystra, which sparked the Time of Absent Magc, Lathander, Tyr, and Sune trapped Cyric in the Supreme Throne for 2000 years.
Cyrics final act of defiance before being locked away was meddling in Tymora and Tyrs courtship, which led to Helms death.

Divine Domains


Holy Books & Codes

Cyrinishad - a book proclaiming Cyric as the One True Deity (the book was never completed, with small parts being written by his faithful).

Divine Symbols & Sigils

White jawless skill on black or purple sunburst


Contacts & Relations

Cyric hated most of the other deities of Edarmyrni, but he particularly loathed Mystra, Kelemvor, and Bane. Cyric had no divine allies, but he made himself a wide variety of enemies. These included gods such as Mystra, Kelemvor, Oghma, Azuth, Mask, Tyr, Torm, Deneir, Leira, Iyachtu Xvim (deceased), Bane, and many others.
Divine Classification


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