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The state of Iadrianaeras found in the southwestern corners of Skortenia is one of the last remnants of the once mighty elven civilizations found on the sister continents. While the states of Kasetia have all fallen and the elves living there retreated to the forests, deserts, the ocean or even back to their cultural homeland on Tila'thyu, the Venerable Empire of Splendour remains as a shining example of the longevity and fortitude of the elven race.


Iadrianaeras is a collection of powerful elf houses whose origins date back to the early days of Skortenia, when all of the creator races still walked the planet. While originally, each house was based on familial connections that has since changed. Each house also falls under a king whose heritage can be tied back to the ???  
  1. Menatu Cor'Quessir - Meaning 'knowledge king' in elvish, the Cor'Quessir is the king of Iadrianaeras. They are the figurehead of the empire, head of state and its monarch.
  2. Myth-Coronal - Meaning 'city king' in elvish, a Myth-Coronal is the head of an elf house. They act as the representative and leader of their house along with the city their house presides over.


The elf-state is deeply religious, though often to a point where they shun those with a lack of faith in the Seldarine.

While not outwardly xenophobic, a bloody past with the humans and dwarves of the continent have ensured its people live with a heavy dose of skepticism when interacting with the younger-lived races. This extends towards humans and dwarves mainly, however some members push this even further and include dragonborn; who had lived on the continent long before elves had, as well.   There is a great emphasis on the practice of magic in most schools save that of divination, which while tolerated, is often viewed distastefully by many citizens and especially vilified by the nobility; who view the ability to foretell future events as a means of interfering with how things should be.


The first elves stepped foot on Skortenia sometime around the year -27000, though failed to spread far initially. By the year -17700AS, the Decline was in full swing and many of the creator races that lived on the continent in abundance had started to dwindle in number. By then, elves had spread throughout the larger of the sister continents and established states all along the eastern coastline, what is now the Rokall Strait and even the upper reaches of continents northwest, past the Northern Steppe Belt.   Around this time, a small house Nin'ath-Shanta settled into the forests surrounding the southern edge of the Kurnnoth Sea and founded Gyrahyndaar, named after one of their ancestors. While they simply wanted a refuge from a world still ruled by dragons and giants, pressures placed on them from a mixture of dragonborn clans, orc tribes and goblin warbands forced them into a position of staunch defensive action. Founding a group known as Iadrianaeras, they contacted nearby groups of elves and called for them to fall under their banner, providing protection against the winged-lords of the sky, the titans of the earth and those small humanoids bent on their destruction.   This proved successful and by the year -17600 AS, the elvish way of life in Skortenia was under far less threat than once was the case. The call for allies continued however, with the groups founder, Areluth Nin'ath-Shanta believing that they should only remain safe when a place for any elf to come and go as their long-life demands was available to their race. Over the next 4500 years, the groups that originally gathered under Areluths banner developed into a series of powerful houses, Nin'ath included.   The Elf-lords fought many conflicts since their inception, though dragonborn under the directive of chromatic dragon overlords remained the most constant threat however this had settled down by the year -9400 AS. This threat did little to quell the tensions of the Cor'Quessir, Plathura 'Scalebane' Nin'ath-Shanta who embarked on a mission to wipe out any presence of dragonborn from the continent, during the conflict known as Dath ath all Takal. The insane king quelled the fears of his people and succeeded in removing over 50% of the some 700,000 dragonborn who still lived on the continent which they were native to. His tirade was ended after he slew the beloved copper dragon Oder, King of Smiles in the Orikste Mountains and was subsequently killed by the silver dragon Delber, The Gentleheart. The events that transpired here remain a dark stain for Iadrianaeras, particularly during the states early history. The conflict was ended in -8906 with Plathuras death.

Ik eshaal menatu (strength through knowledge)

Founding Date
Geopolitical, State
Alternative Names
Venerable Empire of Splendor, Pointy Eared Pricks, Elf-lords
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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