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Lord of Song, Lord of All Songs, Guardian of Singers and Troubadours, One True Hand of All-Wise Oghma

Milil, also known as the One Who Watches While Music is Alive and the Guardian of Singers and Troubadours, was the good-aligned exarch of Oghma. He was venerated as the Edarmyrnian deity of song, poetry, eloquence, creativity and inspiration. He was predominantly worshiped by human, elf, and half-elf bards but attracted other musically-inclined individuals such as troubadours or poets. As a whole, Milil's ideology represented the concept of a finished thought, as well as the process that took an idea from conception until its completion. His ethos taught to consider the world as a continued process, comparing it to a song that began at birth and finished upon their death.


Milil interactions through history are limited, with most of his actions taken in support of Oghma, the other Dieties of Knowledge and Invention or his close allies such as Sune.

It's thought that Milil was a bard during the Ascension who unlocked magic through song, though this has never been confirmed.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Five-stringed hard made of leaves.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Milil appeared as a young, charismatic male with shoulder-length hair, indistinguishable as either human or elf. His clean, handsome good looks were exceeded by hauntingly beautiful voice. He dressed in the bright, elegantly patterned clothes of a troubadour accented with gold jewelry and other eye-catching decorations.

Special abilities

Along with his vast knowledge of many magical spells, his favorite school of which was that of charm, Milil's singing voice could destroy any magical silencing effects and pacify any beings within his vicinity. He could masterfully play any instrument and had perfect memory of any song heard by him or any priest in his service. Milil was immune to any spells or effects of a vocal or musical manifestation and, by touch, could cause or confer deafness or the specific knowledge of a song, including exact tune and lyrics so that it may never be forgotten by the recipient. Milil's favored weapon was Sharptongue, a magical rapier he would, on occasion, lend to mortals performing great quests in his honor. He could also conjure a harp of magical flames, a favored display to demonstrate his divinity

Specialized Equipment

To signify his approval of artistic work, whether it be a song, epic poem, theatrical performance or the like, Milil would conjure a golden-lined image of two dancing hollyphants. This appeared out of thin air or, if on parchment, as what seemed like glowing yellow ink. Messengers of Milil's influence included songbirds, particularly nightingales, peregrine falcons, calico cats and white steeds including pegasi; conjured signs of inspiration included various flowers including peonies, lilies and red or yellow roses and perfectly formed gem stones. Other signs of his influence included the appearance of hollyphants, aasimar, light aasimons, movanic devas and solars. Milil often appeared on Edarmyrni as haunting music, or a beautiful disembodied male voice, that resonated within woodland clearings. He enjoyed planting beneficial visions in the minds of performs and artists that pleased him, which included locations of treasure or the whereabouts of long-lost loved ones. Another favored manifestation of Milil was that of a shimmering radiance, emanating from a bard, poet or other performer who was in the throes of inspiration in the pinnacle of a performance. The sight of this brilliant aura could move audiences to tears, bring them to give generous donations and offerings or act in blindfold obedience of the performing artist.


Contacts & Relations

While he was a deity, Milil, along with Deneir and Gond, served the greater power of Oghma. Despite this shared service, Milil had little in common with Gond, and their relationship was quite strained.

Milil was on excellent terms with a number of powerful gods, including Mystra and Sune, and often worked closely with Lliira. He was welcome in the elven pantheon as well.

He has earned the enmity of Cyric for his ridiculing ballad about the period of madness the Prince of Lies experienced.
Divine Classification


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