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Oghma, also known as The Lord of Knowledge, was the neutral greater power of bards, inspiration, invention, and knowledge in Faerûn. Oghma was the leader of the Deities of Knowledge and Invention and his home plane was the. His symbol was a blank scroll.


Those who worshiped Oghma included artists, bards, cartographers, inventors, loremasters, sages, scholars, scribes and wizards—archivists. Artificers were common followers as well. They could be of any alignment, unlike most neutral gods. They often wore Oghma's symbol, a silver scroll on a chain, as a necklace.



Oghma was an interloper deity who gained power in Edarmyrnis crystal sphere when a wave of planar immigrants settled on the partway through the Ascension, bringing their gods (of whom Oghma was but one) with them. He rose in power to the point where he became the leader of the Deities of Knowledge and Invention and has remained in that position ever since.
Shortly after ascending to divinity, Oghma fathered many demi-power children. A few of the children decided to specialize in a single subject and learn everything they could about it. Towards the end of the Decline, Cyric lured twenty-two of the children away from Oghma and transformed them into paintings known as the Whispering Children.
Shortly before the official founding of the Dvoynayareka Tsardom, the Grand Patriarch of Oghma Cullen Kordamant disappeared without a trace, and reports on his current whereabouts from Oghma were confused and conflicting. As a consequence, a schism formed in the faith. The main branch, the Orthodox Church of Oghma in Komsopole, believed that Kordamant had ascended to the House of Knowledge to serve as Oghma's proxy, and he remained the only true Grand Patriarch of the church until Oghma named a successor. A rival group, the Church of Oghma somewhere in the remote Northern Steppe Belt, went ahead and named a new Grand Patriarch anyway, which the Orthodox Church refused to accept. The rival church also disagreed with the Orthodox Church on the dissemination of knowledge, teaching that knowledge must be tested and proven "worthy" before being released to the public. Later the Church of Oghma moved its base to Skokovice, renaming itself the Oghmanyte Church in Exile. This schism continued unabated for over a century, a fundamental sickness in the faith, or more likely an assault on it from some external entity. This schism in the faith led to small skirmishes between the Dvoynayareka Tsardom and
Undryl Yannathar, a former Grand Patriarch of the Oghmanyte Church in Exile, retired from his position in 1265. Advised by the rakshasa Kalkan, his followers traveled to the nation of Katan, gathering new followers in that land. After Yannathar's death, a former Orthodox priest of Oghma, the dwarf Landrew, helped found a new group that broke away even from the Church in Exile, calling it the Church of All Tomorrows. The Church of All Tomorrows taught that Oghma's knowledge was incomplete, for Oghma could never inerrantly foretell the future. The Church of All Tomorrows offered Oghmanytes the "true power" of knowledge of the future, which Kalkan gained from an ancient Githzerai magic item known as the Damos. The group planned on sacrificing a servant of Oghma's Orthodox Church in order to formally end its ties to Oghma and embrace the mysterious Voice of Tomorrow as its patron. They were thwarted by the deva Demascus, who died from his wounds in doing so. Little is known of what happened to Kalkan.
Oghma saw the chaos amongst his followers as having happened as a result of Deneirs disappearance, and avoided direct interaction with any of the them. In truth, Cullen Kordamant was summoned to Oghmas side after Deneir was absorbed into the weave, which left The Lord of Knowledge distraught and without a scribe. Without a scribe, Oghma absorbed the profiles of Deneir but was still severely weakened with no scribe to document his findings. After the discovery of Deneir by Midnight and subsequent freeing of him by Nebelun, Milil convinced Oghma to appoint [Cadderly Bonaduce as his new scribe, who would take the name Deneir in honor of the gods death.

Divine Domains


Holy Books & Codes

The Empty Scroll

Tenets of Faith

Knowledge, particularly the raw knowledge of ideas, is supreme. An idea has no weight, but it can move mountains. The greatest gift of humankind, an idea outweighs anything made by mortal hands. Knowledge is power and must be used with care, but hiding it away from others is never a good thing. Stifle no new ideas, no matter how false and crazed they seem; rather, let them be heard and considered. Never slay a singer, nor stand by as others do so. Spread knowledge wherever it is prudent to do so. Curb and deny falsehoods, rumor, and deceitful tales whenever you encounter them. Write or copy lore of great value at least once a year and give it away. Sponsor and teach bards, scribes, and record keepers. Spread truth and knowledge so that all folk know more. Never deliver a message falsely or incompletely. Teach reading and writing to those who ask (if your time permits), and charge no fee for the teaching.


Contacts & Relations

Oghma's most common foes were Mask, Cyric, and Bane. Oghma's old archnemesis is Leira, owing to her delight in sowing confusion among his followers. This conflict is seen by some as a rivalry rather than one of actual malice. He may have been opposed to Ilsensine.
Divine Classification
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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